Twenty Three

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Runa's phone rang

as soon as she stepped

foot into her bedroom

after practice the next


It was a facetime call

from Sakusa.

Answering she stared

at the black haired boy

with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, isn't this a surprise.

What do you need, Sakusa?"

He frowned a bit and

Furrowed an eyebrow.

Sakusa Kiyoomi

"You haven't texted me

yet today..."

Sakusa mumbled and

glanced away.

Runa's eyes widened

and the brunette

questioned if she heard

him correctly.

"Did you... Miss me?"

His head snapped

back to the coy smile

slowly growing on Runa's


Sakusa Kiyoomi

"Don't get the wrong

idea, moron. Just after

yesterday I was surprised

when you hadn't texted me


Sakusa Kiyoomi

"I thought maybe you were

still upset."

"Awee you were


Runa laughed.

"You know, idiot,

you can just text

me instead of


He rolled his eyes.

Sakusa Kiyoomi

"I am aware."

There was a brief

comfortable silence

where Runa put

her backpack and

Hey, Did You Know? (Sakusa Kiyoomi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now