Twenty One

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TW: Panic attack, angst, and intrusive thoughts 

(not major but maybe don't read this chapter if you get triggered by these topics and or depictions of, easily. I'll put a summary of the chapter at the bottom for those who still want to keep up with the plot line 😊)


Mr. Germaphobe

Sunday 9:20 PM

Hey, did you know that

all clownfish are born male

and will change their sex to

become a dominant female?

Mr. Germaphobe

And yet people still say

that "isn't natural" when

humans do it. -_-

Man 👨 fuck humans

You know sometimes I sit

here wishing I was in a

relationship but then I

remember my terrible

track record.

Mr. Germaphobe

Sounds like a you problem.

I don't recall saying it


Anyways, what about you?

Been in any past relationships

or pursued any? I mean I assume

not but 🤷‍♀️

Mr. Germaphobe

What about me makes it seems

like I would have no romantic


I wouldn't be surprised

if you had fangirls, I mean

just look at yourself.

But also.. Have you met


Mr. Germaphobe

Is it such a big deal that I decide

not to have any romantic or

sexual relationships?

No no, you're fine.

I didn't mean it as a bad

thing, God.

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