50. the last show

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Ariana was at the airport waiting for Harry's plane to land with Victoria, Alexa and Aaron. It almost felt like she was back in 2016 when Harry would come over to visit. Now they were spending tours together and making albums together.

Today was her last show which was very emotional and she would be seeing Harry again so she was probably going to cry. A lot.

She checked her phone impatiently and wondered why his plane hadn't landed yet.

"Ariana calm the fuck down." Victoria joked and Ariana smiled at her. It just took way to long for him to get here.

But then she saw it. When Harry stepped out she ran towards him and hugged him.

"Hello there." Harry whispered and pressed his usual kiss on her hair.

"Hello! I'm so happy you're here! And thank you for singing just a little bit of your heart! I love you thank you!"

Harry smiled while Ariana kept on talking.

"I don't think she's stopping anytime soon so let me just hug you real quick." Victoria said and hugged Harry. Ariana laughed.

"I'm so happy to see y'all again!" Harry said while they started walking to the car.

"I'm so so tired though, can we maybe get a coffee somewhere?"

"Of course. To be honest I need my coffee as well, I haven't been able to sleep the last days 'cause tour is ending." Ariana said and they drove to Starbucks where Ariana ordered two simple black coffees for Harry and Victoria, an iced caramel macchiato for Aaron, a latte for Alexa and an iced black coffee for herself.

"So Ariana, how are you feeling about tonight's show."

Ariana immediately felt like crying again. Between her trying to keep her tears in she said: "Damn I don't know. It's fucking weird. I can't wait to not perform every night but I also love performing every night."

They all laughed but everyone felt the sad tone in her voice.

When they arrived at the arena Ariana wanted to thank everyone. She tried to find every member of the crew and gave them a big hug.

It was almost time for her to get on stage. She gathered everyone together and they all engaged in a big group hug.

"I just wanted to thank everyone for...." Ariana tried to finish her sentence but she choked on her tears.

"I wanted to thank everyone for their amazing support and performance the last 8 months, I am so proud and grateful."

"And I want to add that I'm so proud of everyone for staying strong and being here after everything." Brian added.

"And I wanted to say that it's been an amazing blessing to see everyone perform!" Harry said. Ariana smiled at the long guy who was standing next to her.

"And I wanted to say" Malcom quickly started. "I don't know a more amazing crew or better show!"

Ariana smiled and quickly kissed him before returning to her speech.

"I love every single one of you so much, you've become my family and I'm so so grateful!"

Everyone applauded and then it was time to go on stage. Ariana knew all her friends were in the front row and she spotted them during everyday.

She saw Malcom and Alexa screaming all the lyrics, she saw Courtney smile and dance and she saw Aaron, Doug and Harry sing the lyrics while smiling so bright at her.

Ariana gave her everything in that last performance. When she was singing her last song, dangerous woman she almost started crying again but she saw her fans and friends scream and smile which helped her through it.

dangerous woman ~ harry and ariana (1)Where stories live. Discover now