Chapter Two: Stalker

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Warnings are near-death and described injury (although the injury doesn't actually exist)

WC: ~1200


"Who are you?" Xay called out, cursing his voice for being so obviously fearful.

There was no response.

Of course.

It's probably just some jerk from school, Xay told himself. No one else.

An idea hit him, and it wasn't reassuring.

What if it's the person who takes "The Missing"?

Am I about to vanish?

...Without saying anything to Xisuma?

Well, of course.

"The Missing" never got to say goodbye.

The realization made Xay swallow and run faster.

The footsteps behind him only became more obvious.

What do I do?



No, I'll probably set the forest on fire, then die from the smoke.




Well, that's exactly what I'm doin-

All thoughts were silenced as the ground gave out beneath him.

In his fear, he had run straight off the edge of a ravine.

But, before he could plummet to the unforgiving stone below, a strong arm grabbed him from above.

"Next time you have a panic attack," the voice was gruff and unfamiliar. "Try not to get yourself killed."




Xay couldn't say anything as he was lifted up and back onto solid ground.

He turned to face his savior, who was a person he'd never seen before. He wore clothing in shades of black and silver, with golden hair and eyes like roaring flames. His hair stuck out in messy angles, and he was an inch or two taller than Xay.

"T-thank you," Xay stuttered, remembering his manners for once in his life. Xisuma would be proud.

"Well, I couldn't just let you fall to your gruesome death, leaving your organs to splatter on the floor below, could I?" the boy pointed out, earning a bewildered blink from Xay.

"That was... oddly graphic," he mumbled. The other flashed a cocky smirk.

"Whoops," he replied swiftly.

"Wait, why were you following me?" Xay finally asked.

"My name is Hels," he offered, ignoring the question. "And you are?"

"Oh, yes," Xay snapped. "I should tell some random guy in the forest my name." Hels barked a laugh.

"Be like that, then," he responded with another dumb smirk. "By the way, I'd recommend going in that direction. It might be what you're looking for." Hels pointed as he spoke.

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