Chapter Sixteen: Lost

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This is fine.

Warnings --->

WC: ~1100


"Have you lost your mind?!" Xisuma screamed. Xay couldn't help but smile at his brother's law-abiding personality.

"Maybe!" Xay teased, snapping his fingers and pressing his flaming palm to a tree, to Xisuma's horror.

"This is not okay!" he shrieked. "Xay!!"

"Blazes, he sounds just like you did," Hels pointed out.

"I SOUND LIKE SOMEONE WHO ISN'T INSANE!!" Xisuma shouted. "Unlike you all!!"

"So... where's the portal?" Grian asked, ignoring Xisuma. The six of them slowed to a stop at the sudden problem.

"Maybe this wasn't the best idea," Hels laughed nervously. "Well, I mean, we lost the people, so..."

"We just have to get out of here before the smoke kills us all!" Iskall said cheerfully.

"We should split up," Impulse offered. "So that we can find the portal quicker, and if one group is found, the other'll still be safe."

"Two groups," Hels agreed. "Iskall and Xay, come with me. Xisuma and Grian, stay with Impulse. No argument." Nods from all around.

They just had to get out of there before everything went wrong.

It only took a minute or two for Xisuma to start coughing.

"Wh- already?" Impulse cried as Xisuma doubled over, hacking from the smoke.

"Earlier- I-" Xisuma choked out. "I inhaled a lot- and it-"

"Okay, okay," Impulse murmured. "Uhm..."

"I can carry him to a clear patch," Grian offered. "We don't have any ice- or rather, water, so..." Impulse nodded.

"You two do that," he agreed. "I'll look for the portal. How will I signal you if I find it?"

"Lightning?" Grian suggested.

"I don't want anyone else to see it," he mumbled.

"Shockwave?" Grian tried again.

"That's my help signal, and I don't want Hels to worry," Impulse pointed out.

"Oh..." Grian trailed off, clearly out of ideas.

"How about I come with you two, on elytra?" Impulse asked.

"No-" Xisuma's voice was cracked. "They'll see-"

"Oh yeah," Impulse muttered. "Okay, no flying."

"Then we'll run," Grian said firmly. Impulse nodded his agreement.

The portal would have to wait.

Impulse just hoped they would have time.

I would've preferred to stay with Xisuma, Xay noted as he watched the other three dash off. But whatever. This works, too.

"No time to waste," Hels's voice was clear and commanding. "Follow me."

Through the smoke they went.

"Try not to breathe too much," Hels advised.

"Wonderful," Xay spat.

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