1- Hua Cheng, God of Misfortune meets the Ghost King

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In this au it's role reverse

Inspired by an unfinished hualian role reverse au on ao3 (sort of)

edited on 29/07/21 time- 00:01  Have a nice night~

Hua Cheng is the god of misfortune and fortune. It's this way because some people say that you will only have fortune if you kneel and pray to him at dawn and only receive misfortune if you kneel and pray at sun set. Of course, this isn't true. In truth Hua Cheng pities those who believe this. It doesn't depend on the time of day but more on how he feels. If you decide to kneel and pray at 10 at night he might be feeling joyous and grant you some good luck. You may pray at 5 in the morning and get the worst of luck for a whole week. Truly, you won't know wether to laugh or cry over the results.

Not only does he cause storms of chaos in the mortal realm he also causes it in heaven. All heaven officials know who Hua Cheng is. The evil to Jun wu's benevolence. He won't cause as much of a headache as the three tumours, but rather a scar will be left in his place.

So our story starts at the heavens, a some what normal day except a cool mist lingers on everyone's conscience. A decade ago Mount TongLu opened and a battle had started in the kiln. Everyone was on edge waiting for the new ghost king to emerge. So there was a great shock when a man with white coloured cultivation clothes, which were as white as the snow upon a mountain peak in winter and a bamboo hat with a veil flowing in a somewhat non existent wind, with a sword on his side which looked as cool as jade but as black as a starless midnight sky, appeared at the gates of heaven knocking. No one would've though that the new ghost king had already left the kiln years ago, stronger than any other and was at their gate!

Usually Heavens gates don't open to intruders and of course this mysterious person was aware. So they just stood there, kind brown hair in a half bun flowing gently. They waited for 3 days, with an unchanging posture of their hand on the hilt of the sword, until they said to some junior officials "Are those that walk the path of glory and fame not tainted by just as much blood as a ghost?". Many junior officials stopped to argue, saying "of course not! Gods are righteous and ghosts are scum". While saying this some spat at the white robed cultivator, but they remand still.

In the Heavenly hall, gods alike were all gathered to talk about the issue. Jun Wu, on the throne with his elbow resting on the chair hand rest and his two fingers holding up his head was looking slightly more alarmed then usual, though not easily seen, it was quite obvious to Hua Cheng. Ling Wen spoke up "as I am sure yous have all noticed, there is a cultivator adorned in white cultivation robes, a black sword and bamboo hat with a veil covering their face. Although the gender is unknown, they look to be male". Everything was put in an uproar, comments along the lines of "How dare a measly cultivator of poor status come to our gates!" "How efficient Ling Wen palace is!" "Ho ho, do they want to challenge me?" could be heard resonating the hall. Nobody seemed to notice the eerie smile that was creeping onto Jun Wu's face until he stated to chuckle creepily. "Everyone, as I am sure you all know a ghost had entered the kiln a few years ago, wasn't it adorned in this outfit as well?" Suddenly everyone went quiet. It wasn't as much as the fact that this ghost was most probably the new ghost king at Heaven's gate, but the fact the the ghost that had went to the kiln was Jun Wu's old favourite, the laughing stalk of the three realms, who probably shouldn't be taken as lightly anymore, Xie Lian.

Hua Cheng was greatly informed on all of the heavenly officials, so of course he knew who Xie Lian, who was quite famous 800 years ago, was. In fact Hua Cheng was saved by Xie Lian once and so he looked up to him his whole life, always his most devoted believer, he still was since always lasts forever. But when he found out Xie Lian had fallen so low as to only crawl lower, he decided he would stumble and climb his way up to the top. And, he did, when Jun Wu dies or gets too old for the Emperor title, Hua Cheng was going to take it. And when he did he was going to find Xie Lian, coax him into loving him as Hua cheng loved him, and then rule heaven with the ghost by his side. He never expected Xie Lian to become a ghost king and certainly never expected him to stand at the gates of Heaven unmoving!

After a few unsettling moments of silence there was a crisp sound of someone walking through the halls. The sound was so graceful, it sounded like someone was cleanly cutting through the air with every step. They stopped and then the doors opened.


'is that...?'

'how did he get through all those junior heavenly officials!'

'what's that?'

'are those flowers????'

When Xie Lian opened the doors, he was still in the same attire but walking with him were beautiful white flowers with vines as black as charcoal. It all looked very extravagant but one couldn't help but notice the faint red stains on the flowers. As Xie Lian slowly walked forward the flowers started to drift to his veil and materialise. "That's a new trick XianLe." Xie Lian stopped in the middle of the hall and listened to Jun Wu as he walked closer.

Xie Lian said in a soft tone "en, it is truely body in the abyss but heart in paradise."

Hearing this phrase Jun Wu stilled for a second. Then he looked down at Xie Lian who was staring at the ground with a pleasant smile lingering on his face and said to everyone. "XianLe has become the new ghost king, so much is evident. He shall leave now for he is not welcome in Heaven at the moment."

Hearing this Xie Lian bowed, produced a light chuckle followed by a cheery goodbye that seemed to stand out in the dreary environment and then walked out the door.

When he left Hua Cheng spoke up "what about all those junior officials guarding the place he hurt?". Jun Wu retook his place on the throne with his head resting on his finger tips and replied languidly, "XianLe is not so careless. They will be fine after some rest." Hearing this Hua Cheng smiled to himself.

And so The God of Misfortune and Fortune meets the new Ghost King, Black as Night, Seeking White. What will happen next? I wonder..


ahahahhahahahahahhaha h a h a. h a. h. a

I tried to make it like the novel uhm idk if that worked tho- sorry if i got any of the quotes or names wrong. I also sort of rushed the ending. uhuuhjjhihhus JAJAHAHHAHA anyway sort of happy with it??

if you want part 2 comment, bc i'll probably do other one shots if no one asks for part of two or i'll do part two bc i'm bored and love hualian

stay safe! 

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