6- HuaLian, YanShen & WangXian Mafia Au

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Mafia au is here! I've been stuck in mafia au's for a while now and have cleaned the internet of all the stories on them. I've been sated, but now I can't find any more to satisfy me in the next five minutes because I need more of them, so what's left to do? Write one of course! This au starts with Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji already in a relationship (I couldn't help myself, i'm sorry), Hua Cheng tries to flirt but fails because his Gege is as thick as a rock. Also Yanshen are the power couple who are in love so much but Shen Qiao doesn't like to show it. All couples are over powered and all the bottoms are op together.

Okay! Enjoy!

The moon glistened against the sharp shards of glass littered beside old, lifeless lamp posts - of which only a few gave off light, even if it was minuscule. Murky puddles of stale rain water occupied the potholes and housed cigarette buds which choose to float aimlessly at the bottom. The derelict houses' windows and doors were boarded up with rotting wood and rusty nails, looming above the homeless, providing dark corners and shadows they could hide in.

It was the perfect place for something shady, everyone knew it wasn't safe - that it was only home to people dealing drugs and such. Therefore making it the perfect place for much bigger, more elite heists. Consequently making the entire street have a claw above its head, ready to seize them and act at any moment. Their destiny lay in the palm of one man's hand.


The crisp knocking of expensive shoes against the hard concrete, sounded through the alleyway like street. Filling the void of silence which was sealed upon the lane, making hair stand on end. The white trench coat was pristine, not a single splash of the dark brown water managed to jump on to the bottom of it. The trench coat reached the persons shins and was stark compared to the brown brick houses lining the cracked concrete sidewalk. Their black dress shoes blended in with their black formal trousers. His shoes were not as clean as his coat; they had mud encrusted along the soles. It added a strange practicalness to the otherwise aristocratic appearance. His hair swayed to the rhythm of his slow pace, reaching midway down his back and was a light hue of melancholy brown. His hair was tied up in a lazy style: a half bun. But it still looked as if it was done with practiced precision. He wore a black turtle neck beneath the open trench coat, with the cold breeze blowing idly at the ends, he looked inexplicably lonesome.

A soft sigh left his mouth, followed by a regretful smile. His figure walked in solitude down the path, seeming to have a fixed destination. His backstory was broad and complicated; he was isolated. His thoughts ran wild, and straight into long forgotten memories. Memories of how the street used to prosper unconditionally, with lights in every window, leaving no need for the dingy streetlights. It was strange - the man could still hear the happy noises of children playing together in the warm hug of the sun, but now he got such screams confused with the cries of agony and helpless pleading which would soon consume the entire town whole.

A small, desperate laugh, escaped from his lips. Symbolising perfectly how his life crumbled as the noise slowly bled into the silence; quietly, without anyone caring to notice. His steps had not faltered along the path even once, but now he stopped directly below the light of a lamp post. He stood under the flickering light, but he wasn't annoyed. He looked fairly humble and at peace as he stood with the winters breeze blowing cooly against his skin, which wasn't covered by warm clothes, he looked nostalgic. Exactly five minutes later, at exactly 6 o'clock, a black car with tainted windows at the back, arrived directly in front of him. The man climbed in to the back and his polite 'Hello, thank you for picking me up' shone through the dark night like a flashlight. Giving credit even though it was obvious it was his car.


'Xie Lian!'

The boys careless bangs sliced into his cheeks as he greeted the newcomer. He clapped his hands and raised them to his face in a welcoming manner. His grin was small, but held immeasurable pleasure, as his dimples threatened to break into a big, boxy smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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