5- This Impoverished One Fell From Grace Straight Into The Beast's Abyss

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You could say this was inspired by a fanfic on ao3; 10 Things I hate About Dating at Gusu Academy.

It will have a different storyline but it gave me the over all academy au inspiration. It's rlly good and I highly recommend it.

Xie Lian is a Senior and Hua Cheng is a junior.

Unfortunately this is unfinished, it's been sitting in my notes gathering dust for ages, if you wish to finish it you  can on your own account. You don't need to give credit since i don't rlly like it. But please send a link so i can read what you came up with! Now i'm thinking up an au for hualian or yanshen

Please Excuse any spelling mistakes

The freshmen came flooding in like naive fish.

It was their first day at the Private Academy, and the first thing they all wanted to do in this controversial school, was to find out all the rumours, along with figuring out the harsh reality that everyday would be like treading on thin ice.

One wrong word, one wrong stare at the seniors and they would forever be mere shadows.

The newest gossip was about the previous king of the school, he ruled the social circles and everyone knew his name.

He was Xie Lian.

He was one of the richest people in the academy, not only did his parents own a multi-millionaire housing company, but he was also kind hearted and well versed in martial arts and all educational subjects.

But catastrophe will rain down on everything eventually, the company was exposed for using cheap materials and slowly the houses started to crumble. As did their reputation and wealth.

They had been forced to leave their home, rumours spread that Xie Lian's parents had committed suicide and Xie Lian tried to also but failed. He took a few weeks off school, and when he came back he was the laughing stock of all the classes. Instead of his usual lavish clothing, he wore the same white woollen jumper, jeans and one pair of black and white vans. Eventually his hair also started to grow longer and by his 5th year it was already down to his hips.

He never lost his good looks, despite living in dilapidated cottages, likewise with his humble persona.

When he returned back to school he was isolated and identified as 'The laughing Stock of the School'. Days went by quickly for Xie Lian. School wasn't hard, per say, the difficult part was the awkward moments when he would offer medicines or poetic information and everyone would just mumble and move on with their day. At first Xie Lian was frustrated but as time went by he soon became an otherworldly being; not caring for people's bad insights on him and continued to be kind. He had evidently built up an extremely thick skin so as to be able to do this.

It was just another day and Xie Lian didn't have his hopes up that someone would talk to him, but nevertheless, he still smiled and thought about how some people had it worse than him. He walked down the hall and the previously rowdy crowd of students all turned their back to whisper. Xie Lian pretended not to hear the tantalising rumours and walked on. Until suddenly he heard some exclaim from behind him,

'Student council!'

Xie Lian used to be the head of the school council, but after being booted down from this prestigious hierarchy, he was stripped of his title. He still hadn't gotten used to this major change in his routine, so he turned around with an earth shatteringly beautiful smile, expecting an answer without asking. He stood there for a few seconds until the same person said again,

'Lang Qianqiu! Hurry up and get to the council hall, you'll miss the whole meeting at this rate!'

With this sentence a young boy with striking features strode past Xie Lian. After noticing him, Lang Qianqiu turned around, presented a genuine smile and greeted him,

"Hello, I am Lang Qian Qiu! The new head of student council, what's your name??"

At first the inquisitive tone surprised Xie Lian, as reality had already hit and he realised who this was, he was astonished this person didn't recognise him. Nevertheless, these thoughts didn't show on his face and his expression stayed as mature as the strong current in a deep river. Everyone else in the corridor was surprised at Xie Lian's humble expression, after all, this was the son of the couple that exposed his family's business and, on top of it all triumphantly replaced them. They at least expected some sort of disdain towards the younger boy.

Ahh.. But if they thought that they surely never knew Xie Lian. Even after exposing bullies, he would always wish them well in life and their studies.

'I am but a humble student, not worthy of Head School Council's attention.'

Xie Lian was still thinking on what to say next, but the bell abruptly rung. Truly saved by the bell!

Xie Lian didn't get a chance to say goodbye before Lang Qianqiu was pulled by him by a slightly embarrassed student. Xie Lian smiled politely in return to the massive and awkward wave of the Head of the School Council.

Xie Lian was sitting in his math class, mindlessly gazing out the window. He was good at math and had good grades, but he wasn't a genius. Xie Lian was placed in the average math class-which he was somewhat thankful for.

He sat by the window at the back, the tables were set up so that two people may sit at one table, but ever since he came back from his weeks off no one sat beside him anymore.

You could imagine his surprise when he heard the voice of someone, politely asking to sit beside him.

Xie Lian rose his head, exhibited a small albeit genuine smile and agreed. It was only after the boy sat down that Xie Lian got a proper look at him. This boy had raven coloured hair, that was a bit messy but pristine none the less, accompanied by his striking eyes gave the illusion of someone who was careless but dangerous and outgoing. When they're eyes met, the latter gave a smirk and the former smiled embarrassedly.

'Hello gege, I'm San Lang. I hope you don't mind me sitting here?

Xie Lian thought this person was familiar, so he was in quite a daze whilst trying to remember. So he blankly replied,

'No problem! I'm Xie Lian nice to meet you.'

San Lang chuckled openly

'Haha.. Yes I know. It's nice to meet you too.'

Xie Lian had quite a thick face, but when he heard these words he couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed.

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