Chapter 10: A Hero In Disguise

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(Y/n) pov

Snow fell on the buildings as a cool breeze swept through the village. It was quieter than usual, everyone deciding to stay in their homes due to the snowstorm. In the city, very few people were out. The lanterns lighting up the pathway flickered slightly from the wind, however the atmosphere was still peaceful. "Are you sure about this?" I mumbled quietly while walking beside the kitsune. His ears twitched slightly from the breeze as we walked over the bridge, entering the city.

    He hummed while slipping his hand in my pocket, holding mine gently as the warmth engulfed both of our hands. "Don't be so afraid of the weather~ Its no where near as bad as it gets in the human realm. This weather is actually so much better than hot weather." He said while empathizing the 'so'. I eyed a familiar building as we walked towards the doors. "y/n?" Momo said with a tilted head before her eyes widened. "Hello! Its so good to see you again!" As the doors closed, the heat from the cafe warmed my body. Momo gently hugged me before stepping back. "What are you two doing out in this weather?" She said while picking up a warm basket of cookies, offering one to us both. Keigo grabbed one before speaking. "I could ask you the same thing." Momo chuckled softly before putting the basket back on the counter, glancing out the window before looking back at us.

    "It's boring staying inside all day, and I had the urge to bake so I came here. Ochako and Izuku are at their homes staying warm, so it's just me running the cafe today~" She stated while resting her arms on the counter. "Is everything looking normal out there? I havent seen very many people out today. Todoroki is the only one who I recognized, he stopped by for tea before leaving earlier." She spoke quietly, her head resting in the palm of her hand as she looked back out the window. "We saw nothing interesting on our way here, somehow its too quiet." Keigo said with a slight smile while leaning against the counter, his back facing it as he stared out the window. Momo looked at me with a small smile before speaking. "So have you found out anything about you returning to the human realm?" I hummed, my hand reaching for another cookie. "We've read a few things that might be helpful but so far, theres no luck for me getting back. I'm slightly worried about how things are going back there though, since I just randomly disappeared." I said while my thoughts floated towards Yuki and the others in the cafe. Wondering how they were doing and if they noticed I was gone always crossed my mind.

I heard a small 'huh?', freeing me from my small daydream as I eyed Keigo. He stood straight, his golden eyes piercing through the window at a dark figure. His gaze was slightly intimidating, sending shivers down my spine as he walked towards the door. "I'll be right back.." He said quietly without looking back at us. Momo only sighed as the door closed, Keigo walking down the path silently. "Whats he up to? And what was that?" I said while watching him blend in with the snowy environment. "I'm pretty sure that was a thief that has been lurking around here lately, Hawks is probably going to try  and catch him." She said casually while taking a bite of a cookie. My mind suddenly went back to the night before, when he was talking about the letter he received. I made an 'oooh' sound while turning towards Momo. "He mentioned that last night, I wonder why they gave him the job.." I spoke quietly to myself while seeing his figure disappear through the fog and snow.

I began to think, my hand absentmindedly reaching in my pocket. I felt something blocking my way, my eyes widening slightly as it was a folded piece of paper. "I'll be right back.." I mumbled quietly while walking towards the bathrooms. I shut the door, pulling it out quickly while unfolding it. That sly fox, did he put this in here when holding my hand earlier? I finally unfolded it, my eye skimming the paper.

Please stay with Momo until I'm back~!
ps: your hand is really warm
Keigo <3

    I sighed while crumpling it up, shoving it back in my pocket before walking back out into the cafe. I couldn't help but worry, my heart beating quicker than usual as I took a seat besides Momo.

Keigo's pov

    The figure was fast, moving through each pathway. The wind was cold as I followed close behind. It didn't take long for the figure to stop in front of a shop. A crystal shop? What could they possibly want here- They wasted no time in storming inside, causing the owner to gasp. "Welcome, may I help you-?" The woman slowly stopped speaking as a low growl emitted from the spirit. "Give me your most valuable crystals before I rip your limbs off." The woman yelled, attempting to run and hide but was stopped by an arm grabbing her own. "Let me go!"

    "You think you can get away that easily? I guess you didnt hear my warning." His hands morphed until his nails were sharp claws. He attempted to slash the womans face but was stopped as I grabbed his arm. I gritted my teeth together while glaring at the spirit. "You must be dumb to think you could do that so easily." My voice came out lower than expected, causing the spirit's eyes to widen. I twisted the spirits arm while pulling him away from the woman, allowing her to run out the door. "You stupid fox, why did you get in my way?" He growled again while trying to break free of my grasp. His body was slammed against a wall, knocking him unconscious. "Wow, how pathetic. Couldn't even handle a small push." I muttered under my breath while opening one of his eyelids. The description said the suspect had blue eyes, and these are green. I guess this is just an ordinary thief.

    I put my hand down, sighing while reaching out for the spirit's body. Before I could pick him up, the doors opened. "Is this where the thief wa-" The people froze upon seeing the thief knocked unconscious. I stood there, a slight grin on my face while waving. "Well if youre here to take care of him, ill be on my way-" I whistled casually while walking out of the doors. My eyes scanned the path as the snow stopped, the wind was calmer. The woman from before approached me, snow sitting lightly on her head. "Thank you so much- I thought I was a goner since there aren't that many people out today, you really saved my life!" I looked at her, smiling lightly while nodding. "It's no problem, I'm glad you're okay and safe now. See ya around~" I began walking away, putting my hand in the air for a lazy wave while heading back towards the cafe.

    In the distance, another two figures stood beside a building, watching the whole scene unfold. I glared at the path, my ears flicking towards them as I walked away. They won't make a move again today, I'll just pretend I didn't see them. It will have to be tomorrow. Can't believe they used a low life thief as bait.  A pair of bright blue eyes latched onto my figure as I walked past a building, my sight of them vanishing.

    It's time to go home safely with y/n.

Sorry about the short chapter the next chapter should be longer chapter.

Just a few things to say
So everytime I add a new chapter or part for this story it always says that the first part or introduction has been updated just so you all know.

Since I will be writing more stories and sharing them I think it be best you all get to know me so ask any question/s you want.

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