Chapter One

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Confusion swept over me in waves as I slowly regained consciousness. I lifted my body slowly expecting the excrutiating pain that I should be experiencing but it never came. I looked around and what I saw shocked me. I was in the most beautiful room I had ever seen in my life. Not that I'd seen many rooms in my life. In fact I was so well versed on the set up of a dungeon that I was wondering how I still knew what real room looked like.
I was laying on the most comfortable bed ever. There was noone in the room with me. I sat there on the bed for a few minutes before realising that I was in a foreign place. Panic began to well up inside me . Why and how was I in this places ? Maybe I had died and gone to heaven. The thought was both scary and relieving. All my doubts were then set straight when I began to move. A sharp pain shot through me and I realised that I was not in fact in heaven. The pain I was experiencing was at least not the burning I experienced when my father had plungedvtge dagger in my heart. It was the pain I was used to.
So if I wasn't in heaven then were was I ? Maybe my father was playing a very messed up game with me. I switched to my side and slide off the bed. I hit the floor with a thud and a yelp escaped my lips. I looked hoped noone had heard me. Whatever was going on here , I knew I had an advantage if noone knew I was awake. I tried to get to my feet but all my effort were in vain because I kept falling. I lay on the floor for about five minutes contemplating my next move. I was still thinking when I heard the door open. I only had a split second to come up with a plan. I rolled under the bed hoping I wouldnt get caught.
Seconds later , in came two pairs of shoes. The first was a pair of leather shoes , Armani maybe. They were shoes that belonged to a gentleman or a very rich man. The second were a pair of rubber pumps. The second was definitely a women, maybe the man's assistant or maid. I had learned earlier on in my life that you could tell a lot about a man by their shoes. That lesson helped me a lot in the past. It helped me know who to trust, although at the moment I didn't really trust it.
"This is impossible," comes a voice. It's  deep and low so I figure it's the man. He speaks with so much authority that I find my self dreading the outcome if he were to catch me." She couldn't have just got up and left," he continued." We have to search the house maybe we have an intruder."
"Or you could use your locating spells," came a low feminine voice.
"You forget Tara that I have to use wolfsbane. I don't think I want to hurt the girl anymore than she already is ,"the man said. A warmth started to form at the bottom of my stomach. He seemed to care but I wasn't that good of a judge of character so I wasn't sure if I should trust him.
"So what do you suppose we do ," the girl ,Tara said.
"Stay here I'm going to get Devon,"the man said before walking out of the room.
There was silence when the man left the room. Then Tara sat on the bed her feet only inches from my face. I could feel her worry for were I was laying. Either this Devon is very scary or she really cares about me. I'm guessing the latter. We stayed like that for a a few minutes before the man whose name I was yet to learn came back.
"So.......,"Tara asked
"He's coming and you guessed it ,he is furious," the man said sounding out of breathe.
It was a few more minutes before the door opened again. A pair of army boots stood at the door. I was enveloped by the power that was exuding out of the fine specimen that stood at the door. My body stiffened as he walked into the room, every hair on my body stood on ends. Why my body reacted so ,I had no idea but it scared the hell out of me.  As he drew closer my breathes became heavier and more rapid. He stopped inches from the bed and Tara stood and scurried to the other man's side.
"I gave you one job," Devon said his voice loud and controlling. If had though the other guy had authority, it was now clear that Devon outrank him by far. His voice carried so much authority that I found myself wanting to come out of my hiding place. Before I could do anything , the bed was lifted and thrown across the room. I was impressed. Its not that I've never seen a show of strength ,I had. This guy just did it better. When I realised I was caught, I looked up. I came face-to-face with the sexiest man I had ever seen and it was not because I had seen very few attractive men in my life. This man was in other words perfect,physically at least. He had  beautiful locks of raven-silk black hair, a pair of deep blue eyes that wear drilling holes into my soul and a chiselled jaw that made me think that the gods had sculpted him to perfection from stone. He was draped from head to bottom in black. From the black T-shirt that stuck to him like a second skin showing off his ample muscle to the cargo pants that he wore well ,I was convince that he was a Greek god.The man towered over me. He was very large,maybe 6'2. I wasn't sure because of the position I was in. It was a very uncomfortable but it didn't hinder my from noticing the bulge that had formed on Devon's pants.
Like he had noticed me checking him out, he pulled me to my feet. The action was supposed to be rough and intimidating but it wasn't. In fact it was the opposite. It was arousing.
"What were you doing under the bed?"he asked in a way that it didn't sound like a question but a threat. Again I didn't feel fear but since I was suppose to I did the one thing I knew would comfort me in a situation like this one , sarcasm.
"I was looking for my contacts," I said  sarcastically. The look on his face was priceless. I'd caught him off guard.  He was probably not used to people being smart with him. I soon realised my mistake when he pulled me in close. Pain shot through me because of the movement. I let out a yelp. His body stiffened. His blue eyes slowly began to change colour. They were turning to a blood red that was indicating his anger. What he was angry about I wasn't sure. He pushed me to the ground and turned to the others.
"Alec , if she tries to escape again , tell me. I'll take care it," he said before turning to me. His eyes had returned to their normal colour.He then walked out of the room an angry expression on his face.
"He seems nice,"I said to Tara and Alec with smile on my face.
"Sadly he is not ,"Alec said before lifting me into his arms. He was fit I'll  admit ,not like Devon but still fit and at least he was nice. He set me down on a nearby chair. "Are you okay ?"he asked.
"As good as I can be," I answered back.
"Tara get my bag,"he commanded and Tara scurried away."I just need to do some tests,"he assured me.
"Where am I?" I blurted out.
"This is Terrain Palace ,"he simple said.
"Ohh okay but like where exactly am I," I shot back.
"This is Devon Terrain's house ," he said.
"I'm still confused,"
"Devon Terrain ........the Alpha King ,"
A small gasp escaped my lips. I had heard stories about the guy. Stories that were dark and evil that they'd make a cereal killer blush. Then I realised I had just angered the monster. My heart was beating faster as I thought about how he'd retaliate. If the Alpha King was anything like his stories, I would rather be stuck in a dungeon in my father's basement.

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