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Every muscle in body aches with every small movement I make and I can feel myself slowly drift into unconsciousness. I try my best not to move as I wait for darkness to claim me. There was no need for unnecessary  pain when I knew more was coming.
As I was about to finally  find peace, the impact of someone's foot on my abdomen brought me back. I was fully awake and could feel all the pain that was coursing through me. I was used to the pain. At some point in my life it had become a part of me but that didn't mean it still didn't hurt. I felt something different about this time. I was used to being beaten for  no reason but today felt different.

I felt a cold hand on my face. If I could move l would have thrown up at the action. He did it a lot but I still despised the simple action. He gentle turned my head to face him.
"I hope you understand that l have to do this ,"a cold and devilish voice reached my ears caressing every one of my nerves causing a shiver to travel down my spine. A cruel grin was plastered on his dangerously handsome face. I pulled my head away in disgust. A chuckle came from one of the many spectators who were standing around us.
"She should learn not to disobey you Alpha ,"a deep voice came from one of my father's goons.
My father turned and faced the direction of the source of the comment. He smiled before turning back to me.
"One last lesson,"he said softly before his large hand came down on my face. Blood welled inside my mouth and rage roared inside of me. I spit out the blood and let the pain surge through me. "You are so weak ,"my father continued. "That's why you could never turn."
Once again he rubs one of my failures in my face. It's not a secret that I am weak. I was so weak that even my wolf left me. She was suppose to be my ride-or-die but I guess I wasn't worthy because everytime I try to turn all I hear is screaming and then I pass out.
"Can we have a go Alpha," came a voice that was filled with excitement. These sick bustards where rubbing  it in my face.
"Go ahead. Just don't kill her . That's my job ," my father's cool voice said back with the same amount of amusement.
They did not have to be told twice because the moment the command was made they came down on me with so much wrath I was confused at still being alive. These guy were definitely out for blood because within seconds I could not breathe and I could feel my broken rib pressing into my lungs.
I hated them each and every one of them but what I hated more was myself. I hated that I couldn't turn but I could stay awake through all this torture. This happened everytime. I'd stay awake till the bitter end. I never knew why. The worst part was that the wounds took human time to heal. I wish they'd just kill me then finally I'd have peace.
"That's enough ,"my father finally said "It's  my turn ."
He crouched beside me.
"You are no longer a use to me so I'll set you free," he said as he pulled something from behind him. It took me a second to notice that it was a dagger. It was like nothing I'd ever seen. It was beautiful. I didn't get enough time to assess it before he plunged it into my heart.
At first the feeling was surreal, then the novelty wore of and I was plunged back into darkness. The blade dug into me and burned into my soul. I felt myself slip and begin to ascend but somehow the dagger drew me back into my body burning into me with the intensity of a thousand suns. All the pain I felt my whole life was no match for the pain I felt at that moment. I screamed and the ground shoke as if to say she wanted to absorb my agony. The earth was screaming with me , I could feel it but the sound that screamed the loudest was my father's laughter.
"We will avenge you ,"a voice said in my head.
Before I could question the source, my father pulled out the dager and the pain increased.
"Take her. We will lay her at Devon's door and mark the beginning of the war ," I heard a voice say although I couldn't place it because of the agony that still hung over me.
"She's not dead yet,"came another voice.
"She'll die at his doorstep ," came another voice.
Before I could assess the situation I felt myself drift and for the first time in my life I fainted because of pain .

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