Chapter Four

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"Devon, are you out your mind," Alec's voice followed me into my office. I stood at the window looking into the distance. This was the only way to calm my nerves. I was angry. In fact I was furious. The smile I had seen on my mate's face had looked so genuine that jealousy was practically seeping out of me. I knew that I had no right to feel jealous but she was mine I couldn't help it .
"Alec , she needs to learn to protect herself," I said without turning to look at him.
"She sounds be dead but she's  alive. Do you want to kill her?"
As soon as the words left his lips , he soon rgetted it. I crossed the room in seconds and threw him against the wall. With my hands fastened on his collar and my eyes red with rage, I pressed him harder against the wall.
"Noone wants to see that girl safe more than me," I said to him my voice no more than a growl.
"You don't even know her name,"Alec said struggling against me but his efforts were futile.
"I'm trying to protect her," I said as I pulled myself away from him.
"I get that but is your strategy the best way to go," he questioned.
"I guess we will see that tomorrow, " I said as I walked away.
"It's Alexia ," he said as I made it to the door. I turned back and gave him a questioning look." Her name ,"
I nodded as I left the room . I made my way to my bedroom in few seconds. I don't know what I was running from but I couldn't stop. My body was shaking. It was vibrating as different emotions went through me. The mating bond was strong and was pulling me to her but I couldn't give in. I couldn't allow myself to care about her without the reassurance that she'd be able to fight against my demons.
I stripped of all my clothes and made it to the shower. I turned on the cold water and stepped in. The cold water hit my skin, soothing my aching muscles. Memories of the day  flooded my mind. Most of them included Alexia. Actually all of them. In fact I spent so much time thinking about her, she became a permanent fixture in my mind. My body stiffed at the though of her being there with me. Blood rushed to my manhood and made me as hard as stone. I contemplated my next move. This wasn't health, I thought to myself as I chose to ignore the new feelings that welling up inside me.
I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. After drying myself with a towel, I stepped back into my room and threw on my boxers before jumping onto the bed. I closed my eyes ready for sleep to claim me but it never did.
I lay awake all night. The bigger reason being the aching of my lower body but I also had a feeling that it was the anxiety of having Alexia train the next day.
Later that night, I was still struggling to get to sleep when I heard a piercing scream from the other side of the house. Panic engulfed me because the only person on that side was Alexia. I jumped out of bed not even worrying about my state of undress. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, which was very. Many thought rushed through my brain but the one that worried me the most was what if Alpha Stone had returned to finish the job. I had lost her once I wasn't going to lose her again.
When I got to the room , I found Alexia on the bed. I studied the room to search for any intruders but there were none. I looked at Alexia and what I saw shocked me. She was screaming in pain and her arms were dripping blood from the open wounds that were there.
Those weren't there before, I thought to myself. I was about to search the room again when, she began scratching herself. I rushed to stop her but my efforts went in vain because the moment I touched her she grabbed me and dug the nail that had appeared on her fingers into my arm. She held onto me with so much ferocity that I soon began to bleed.
"Alexia!" I growled but nothing changed. Seconds later , she lifted me and threw me across the room. I hit the wall with a thud. I stood up slowly my eyes already red and my wolf begging to be let out. It was then that I noticed that she was still sleeping. Her eyes were closed even though she was still screaming and scratching herself. If it weren't for the talon-like nails that adorned her fingers I'd have registered the act as harmless.
It looked like she was trying to peel of her skin. Unable to watch the torture anymore, I rushed to her side. This time I didn't give her any chance to reject me.
I pined my body against hers and wrapped my arms around her. She struggled against me her scearms getting louder. I tightened my grip on her pulling her into me.
"Calm down, Alexia. You're safe." I whispered into her ear but she didn't stop. She kept trying to push me away but I wouldn't budge. Then I felt her nails dig into my back. Her claws were sharp. She let out another scream but this one was louder and deafening. I felt me eardrums give in slowly but that wasn't even the worst part. As her nails dug deeper into my skin, I felt her pain seep into me. It was like me body was burning from the inside. My wolf was struggling at the surface. He was fighting against my skin to come out. I could feel him tearing at my skin from the inside trying to come out. I tried to pull away from Alexia to stop the agony but she held onto me pulling me close. I let  the manliness scream I could manage as the pain increased. I could feel sweat pour out of me as the burning sensation threatened to destroy me. The only thing that comforted me was my proximity to Alexia's body. It was minutes later that Alexia began to relax. Her nail slowly moved out of my back. She collapsed into a puddle in my arms. I lay her on the bed and got to my feet. The moment stepped on the ground, my feet gave in below me and  I fell to the ground. I was about to get back up when the door flew open and in came a very well dressed Alec with Tara and my sister in tow.
"What did you do?"Alec said after seeing a very pale Alexia sitting in a pool of her own blood.
"Did you kill her," came my sister's worried voice.
"As we can all see she's still alive. Thank you Megan for pointing out the obvious," I said coldly.
"Devon, what did you do?" Alec said once again.
"I didn't do anything and I'm hurt that you'd think I would," I said to my friend. "Stop wasting time and check her wounds." I said as I rested my back on the bedside cabinet.
Alec scurried to Alexia's side to check her wounds. Her ran his hands along her arm before looking back at me.
"There's nothing here, " he said " Even the scars, that were supposed to be permanent , are gone."
"Are you sure?" I asked unable to control my voice.
I lifted myself to my feet, my hands trembling and fear gripping me. The worst scenario has come out.
I ran out of the room ignoring the calls from my sister and Alec.
I ran to my room and made it to my closet. I pined the closet door almost ripping it of its hinges. I pulled the box I'd long buried in there. Ignoring the burning of the wolfsbane I had sprinkled around it, I ripped the box open and pulled out the amulet that sat in it. Like I had feared, it was glowing.

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