Pewds Chapter Four

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Ruby (POV)

I stared in awe as we pulled up to Pewdiepie's house. It was huge; and the inside was beautiful. It's much cooler when you see the whole house rather than the parts you see on Fridays with Pewdiepie.

"Would you like to see your room?" Marzia asked grabbing my suitcase. I quickly nodded. I walked into a beautiful white and gold room covered head to toe with Girly Girl things.

"It's a little girly at the moment but we can fix it later" Marzia said placing my stuff on the bed. Honestly anything is better than the orphanage.


After unpacking I decided to play with Edgar and Puga Chan while Pewds recorded. It was pretty cool seeing all the behind the scenes. I never realized how much time he took recording.

That was when I came up with the best idea. Recently I saw a video of Marzia scaring Pewds while he was playing Amnesia. Lucky for me he was playing his Oculus Rift horror game.

I quickly pulled out my camera and pressed record. "Hey all my Wuffsters, CocoWuffle here and today I'm at the one and only Pewdiepie's house. Right now he is recording some Oculus Rift horror game and what better thing to do then scare him"

I quietly opened the door, camera in hand, and stood behind him awhile. "Marzia?" He asked turning his head coming face to face with me.

I faced the camera towards me and put my finger on my lips signaling I was about to scare him. As he wandered through a dark room I quickly shook his chair hard making him jump and his face cam to go flying.

"What the f...!" He stuttered as he saw me. "Eh!Camera" I smirked pointing to my camera. "Don't think I won't get you back" He laughed as he picked up his face cam

"Mwahahaha!" I yelled running out of the room. I was already feeling at home, the one problem was, I sorta miss Brooke. She was like the sister I never had...

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