Pewds Chapter Nineteen

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Ruby (POV)

Once again I felt that similar uneasiness as I woke to a dark, humid room.

This time though, we weren't in the same room as before. The chair was now metal, with metal clamps around my hands and legs, and Brooke was no where to be seen.

The only things I could recognise in the darkness was a few tables around me, that appeared a light grey colour, with some sort of darker liquid spilling off the side.

I just sat there, fear in my eyes, as I just listened to the constant dripping sound next to me.

This lady is definitely going to kill us, and it's all my fault. Brooke was right, we shouldn't have gone to meet her.

Before I knew it I was uncontrollably sobbing, the tears wiping away the blood on my face.

"R-Ruby? Are you crying?" Brooke coughed.

I quickly looked around, but I didn't see her. "N-no." I stuttered trying to fight back the tears.

"Look, I have a plan that could end good or bad, but I at this point I thinks it's the only good option." Brooke sighed.

I could hear her metal chair scraping the ground for a good few seconds before it became silent again.

"If you could, I'd tell you to plug your ears because this is going to get pretty loud"...

Brooke (POV)

I moved my hands around behind me, trying to find the button, but my moving was limited because of the hand cuffs around my wrists.

Finally I felt something cold and round under my finger tips, the button.

I quickly pressed it and an ear splitting sound echoed through the room.

"Jesus Christ, what is that!!" Ruby yelled over the sound.

"If I told you, you'd think I was crazy."

Lucky for me, right behind my chair was an electric saw, that was bolted to the table.

This lady has to be some sort of psychopath because nobody has this many torture items in their basement.

Actually no sane person has any torture items in their basement!

I slowly and carefully position my hands so that the chain on the handcuffs was above the saw.

Well at least that's what It felt like, it was almost pitch black and the saw was behind me.

"Well, let's hope I don't chop my hand off." I mumbled as I lowered my hands.

I heard a loud snap as the metal chain broke apart freeing my hands.

"What the hell was that!!!" Ruby snapped as I turned off the saw.

I just rolled my eyes, "Considering you're usually the crazy one out of the two of us, I figured you know what a saw sounded like."

I grabbed a screwdriver off of the table and started unscrewing the blots on my metal leg straps.

"Ruby where are you, I'm free!" I yelled getting out of my chair.

My legs were instantly aching with pain, as I finally stood on them after hours and hours of sitting down.

"I'm over here!" She started shaking her chair so that the metal sound would lead me to her.

"Aren't you worried that she can hear all of this?" Ruby asked, as I began to unscrew her arm bands.

For some reason Ruby had metal bands on he arms that were also connected to the chair.

Probably because she notorious for being the one that find a crazy way to break out.

"Well considering this room appears to be used in harming other, I think it's sound proof." I said glancing at the blood stained tables.

I started unscrewing the bands around Ruby's left leg when I heard a loud metal door creak open.

"Crap that might be her." I whispered.

Ruby stared at me with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.

"Hurry, put the one side of the bands back in so we can still get out later," I whispered handing her a screwdriver.

I quickly ran back to seat and did the same before putting my hands behind my back, as if I was still handcuffed.

As I saw a foot step through the door, I shut my eyes to pretend I was still unconscious.

"I know you're not asleep, I could hear the chairs rattling down here!" Lana snapped as I heard her walk past me.

I slowly opened eyes to see her near Ruby.

"We're just kids, what is wrong with your sick head." I spat, catching her attention.

She seemed angered by my sudden outburst, but she stayed calm and menacing.

"All I wanted was my old family, but you guys don't want to play along! So you'll just have to wait down here until you change your mind!" She smiled evilly. "But don't worry, I'm sure I can persuade you really easily."

I saw her twirl a knife in her fingers for quite a little bit before setting it down and heading upstairs.

"Note to self, this chamber isn't sound proof." I sighed.

We just sat there for what felt like forever, knowing it'll be almost impossible to get out.

There is no way she didn't know we were broken free.

Then I heard a slight buzz come from where Ruby was.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Oh my god!" She yelled.

She reach into her front pocket to find her phone buzzing.

"I thought your phone was broken?!" I said shocked.

She quickly went into her contacts and dialed Felix's number with no hesitation.


No answer.


No answer.



The second I heard his voice tears of joy swelled in my eyes.

"I-It's Ruby!"

"Where are you! What happened!" Felix yelled. You could practically hear the tears in his voice.

"W-we were kidnapped by a lady named Lana Castro. If we are still in her house, it means that we're somewhere walking distance from our home!" Ruby explained.

With no delay Felix replied, "I'm calling the cops now"...

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