Pewds Chapter Twenty Three

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This is the final chapter and I am ending this book in a way that there can be a sequel, but of course I won't start it right away, I want to start and finish some other books first. But if you want a sequel just comment and I'll come up with another crappy storyline that y'all seem to like XD

Felix (POV)

I couldn't believe the words that came out of the Judge's and Jury's mouth. Lana seemed generally shocked by the outcome and so was I.

Brooke, she was ours! All ours and Lana is being sent to jail or a mental hospital, at this point I don't care.

I instantly ran up Brooke and wrapped her into my arms.

"Mr. Felix, it's requested by my head officer that we escort Brooke home, so you can leave whenever." An officer stated, as I let go of Brooke.

"Ok, that's fine." Marzia smiled.

I obviously have a different opinion, but I'm just glad to have Brooke with us still.

"We'll see u at the house baby!" I yelled, as Marzia pulled me along.

I was so happy, I could barley keep the keys in my hand. I just want to throw them around and laugh. Who did Lana think she is? She couldn't win! She didn't win!

I threw open the door, almost slamming it into another car. It left a small scratch, but I just pretended that it wasn't there.

"This is weird..." Marzia muttered, fumbling with her phone.

It was clear that she was getting more confused and frustrated every second. "What's wrong Marzia?" I asked, putting my hand on her shoulder.

We had just won our daughter, we should be happy!

"Apparently a storm is brewing not to far from here, we have to take a detour because of a knocked down tree!" She sighed resting her phone next to her, the maps app pulled up.

"It's ok! Lana requested a final goodbye, a safe one, so Brooke should arrive about the same time as us!" I smiled, reclining my chair.

I was ready to relax and take a nap after hours of talking. My throat ached and my jaw felt sore.

She put the keys in the car and I closed my as I felt the car vibrate.

Soon I could hear the pitter-patter of small rain drops smashing against the car's front window, gradually getting more heavy and dense.

I could hear Marzia muttering to herself angrily as we had to turn around because of another fallen tree.

It was clear that she was fed up with these dumb trees falling wherever they want! They think they're so cool and can just tip over wherever they want, but they aren't cool!

(A/N: Random Rant, Sorry! XD)

Suddenly I jolted up in my seat as Marzia attempted to slams on the breaks.

A rather large tree was falling right in front of us, taking our things like power lines in it's way.

I quickly sat up straight in my seat, putting straight up, and holding onto the small handle above me.

Our tires hissed at us violently, as the stray bark and pine cones falling off the tree pierced the wheels.

The car, now skidding helplessly towards the tree at a high speed, made screeching sounds until it came face first into the tree.

The last thing I saw was the air bag burst out at my face, before I went out cold...

Brooke (POV)

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