Pewds Chapter Ten

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Ruby (POV)

You have NO idea how happy I was to get of that flying hunk of death! I didn't think I could handle 8 hours of flying a million feet about the ground! Ok, I may be over exaggerating a bit, but still!

My legs wobbled as we walked to the luggage claim. I watched as bags and purses went round and round and round until we finally got all of our bags.

"Who's gonna pick us up?" Marzia asked, facing Felix. "You'll see" He said with a smirk.

As we reached the exit, my eyes grew wide. There, parked right in front, was a small black limo reserved especially for us!

"Oh Felix you really didn't have too!" Marzia squealed. "Of course I did! I'm going to make this the best trip ever" He yelled smiling ear to ear.

Suddenly Marzia gave him a fat kiss on the lips. GROSS!

As we entered the limo Felix told us about where we are staying, where we are going, and what time. Lucky for me Felix isn't one for waking up early. That means I can sleep late. YES!

After about a 15 minutes drive we made it to a 20 story building that glimmered in the sunshine.

As Marzia checked us in me and Brooke took the time to explore the lobby. They had a gift shop, an arcade, an indoor and outdoor pool, and A BUFFET! It was like paradise! Not like I've ever been to paradise before...

Anyways! We get our key card and left for our room. We were room 246 on floor three. When we got to our room we picked out sleeping areas.

Felix and Marzia got the master bedroom, Brooke picked the extra bed and as surprising as it is I picked the living room couch.

And no that wasn't the last option, there was another extra bed, but I just wasn't used to the soft comforter. I felt like I was sleepy on a marshmallow pillow and mashed potatoes.

Yes, yes I know I'm weird, but can you blame me? I grew up watching Pewdiepie and Markiplier.

I snuggled on my shockingly big couch and curled up in my, My Little Pony blanket and fell asleep


"Wake up!" Someone whispered in my ear. I grunted and turned the other way snuggling back into my blanket.

"Wake up!" They yelled shaking me violently. My eyes then bolted open to see Brooke's face an inch away from mine.

I suddenly screamed and rolled off the couch. "Shut up! Do you wanna wake up everyone in the whole building!" She whispered harshly.

"Ugh what do you want" I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I couldn't sleep so of course I went on YouTube, and look what I found" She said with a hint of anger showing me her computer

She presses play and a few familiar girls pop on the screen. The snotty girls from the orphanage! A snarl formed on my face.

As the video continued they introduced there channel as "The best in entertainment"

"This little devils copied us!" Brooke growled softly. "How? They didn't even know YouTube existed" I mumbled, about to fall back asleep.

"About that..." She trailed off. "What did you do?" I asked sternly. "Well when you got adopted by Pewds I HAD to show them one of his videos and I was logged onto my account so you can guess what happened..." She said looking away.

"They watched some of your videos" I sighed. "And that's why we need to CRUSH them to the ground" She grinned evilly.

"And how do you suppose we do that without being rude and telling our followers to hate on them?" "We make the best Sweden vlog EVER!" She yelled, instantly covering her mouth, in hope that she didn't wake Felix or Marzia.

"Fine but only if you LET ME SLEEP!" I whisper/yelled. She instantly nodded and snuck back into her room.

Wow it's gonna feel like I'm right back in the orphanage...


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