Author's Note (About Updates)

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I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, I know I left you on a cliff just dangling there but all week I've had Milestone's aka end of year testing, finishing Monday and well...MY BRAIN IS DED!! Yes I know I spelled that wrong.

I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should for testing so it's kinda sucking out any intelligence and creativity I have left and it's kinda hard come up with these plot twists and stuff.

I've even tried sleeping in between the sections and no good ideas are coming to me. But I tried writing anyways and it sounded like a chapter from my first book, which was horrible! I only have it still up because it has like 4K reads.

Anyways, I promise I will continues this book. It isn't the end of Ruby and Brooke's story yet, I'm just at a writers block.

I should be up and running sometime next week but for now, I will be posting on my new book "A New Beginning" only because I have lots of plans already stored in my brain for that.

It's about The Pack and some others like Skydoesminecraft, House_Owner, Seto, my YouTube CocoWuffle of course and more so if you like that go read it!

It would help to get some feedback too because the whole book is in 3rd person and I'm new to that.

But enough about that, this is a completely different story that should be updated in a few days!!


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