Pewds Chapter Five

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Ruby (POV)

(This is probably the most pointless chapter ever)

I rubbed my eyes as I arose out of bed. I looked over at my window and saw the moon glistening in the still pitch black sky. I slowly opened my door and walked over to the kitchen.

I hesitated as I saw a bloody pawprint on the fridge. I felt a shiver go down my spine as my blood grew cold. I heard a whimper. Slowly, very slowly I walked around the counter to see Puga lying motionless on the floor. I kneel down next to her and flipped her over to see blood all over her face.

She...she was dead.

My eyes suddenly jolt open as a shriek left my mouth. My head shot up as I realized I was in bed. W-Was it a dream? I looked to my side to see Puga happily napping next to me.

I quickly scooped her up and hugged her in relief. Suddenly Pewds and Marzia burst through the door. "We heard a scream! Are you ok" Marzia worryingly as she have me a hug.

"Yah, I just...heh...had a bad dream" I stuttered as I hugged Puga tighter. "I blame the Barrels!" Pewds yelled slamming his fist on my desk.

"Stop!" Marzia laughed punching Pewds lightly in the shoulder. "Well now that we are all fully awake at like 3:00am on a Friday, lets do FRIDAYS WITH PEWDIEPIE!" He yelled caused Puga to flinch.

I smiled as he laughed. I never thought I could think of Pewds or Marzia as family, but there is something about them that makes you warm and fuzzy inside. I mean I've always felt happy and excited when I see he uploaded a video but it feels even better when your not watching him in a video.

Well I guess it's time for FRIDAYS WITH PEWDIEPIE....& CocoWuffle

(A/N: If You Didn't Know CocoWuffle Is Her YouTube Name And Mine IRL)

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