💛 Skating

671 16 2

Ship(s) - Sean x Daisy
Words - 1931

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The sound of metal scraping against ice and the occasional yelp or laugh from those on the rink were heard just a few yards away. Sean sat on a bench, trying to lace up his left ice skate. The cold was already making his fingers feel a bit stiff, and he starts wishing he'd brought gloves.

He's almost finished when suddenly his finger slips and the knot comes unraveled. He tries not to groan but it comes out anyway.

"Need some help?"

He lifts his head to find a white haired girl standing in front of him. She's already got her skates on and has some warm looking earmuffs on her head.

"Oh no, Daisy, I'm fine, I got this." Sean says reassuringly, but after struggling with the laces again, Daisy lets out a laugh and carefully kneels down to lace them herself. "No wait-"
"It's fine Sean, let me help you. It took me a while to learn how to put these things on myself." she says, tying the laces impossibly fast. Sean notices she's wearing white gloves. Something he failed to remember to wear.

Last week, before winter break, Daisy had come up to talk to him in the halls. They chatted for a bit, and the conversation transferred over to what they were doing for break. When Daisy found out he had nothing planned, she offered to give him skating lessons over break.

Daisy finishes the laces on both shoes. Carefully standing up, she takes a few steps back and watches as Sean tries to stand up from the bench.

He wobbles, but is able to keep his balance. Daisy breaks out into a grin, and carefully takes his arm and leads him over to the rink entrance.


The ice rink is huge, and sits just outside of the park. Lights are hung up all around the border, and energetic pop music is playing through the speakers. Some are performing tricks out on the ice, while others are slowly skating around the rim. Kids as young as three are holding their parents hands, constantly wobbling and barely staying standing.

Taking it all in, Sean smiles. He's wanted to go ice skating ever since he was little, and now here he was, for the first time.

"You ready?" Daisy says, looking up at him.
"Yeah... let's do this!" he responds, excitement in his voice.
"Woo!" Daisy cheers, and continues holding onto his arm as they carefully step onto the ice. Sean feels his feet slide around, and stays as still as he can.

"Hold onto the rail here, we can skate all the way around while holding onto this." Daisy says. Sean follows her word and quickly grips onto the rail. The cold metal seems to send a bolt of energy through him. After he's gotten a good grip, she gently lets go of his arm, and holds onto the railing herself with one hand, standing face to face with him.

"Alright, now slide forward towards me, and I'll move back. That's how we'll get around." she says, lifting her right hand and making a circular motion around the rink's edge.
Sean nods. "Are you sure you can skate backwards?"

"Of course! Just follow me." Daisy said with a smile. She takes his hand and starts moving backward, Sean moving with her.
They make their way around the edge of the rink, slowly but steadily. Whenever Sean starts to slip, Daisy helps him to stay upright, and they exchange a few laughs here and there.

They're about half of the way through, when Sean speaks up.

"So, when did you first start learning to skate?"
Daisy seemed to stare out into the ice for a bit, thinking. Sean saw how her eyes lit up slightly as she remembered something. "I've been skating ever since I've started dancing... so when I was about five? My mother would always bring me here every winter, and we'd drive out a few hours just to go to an indoor rink over the summer. It's always been something I can enjoy, without feeling like I have to be really good at it, y'know?" she says, looking back at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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