𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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All of our characters stand around the courthouse that Sam, Tubbo and Eret had worked so hard on making. There were recognizably more people on my side, with only a few on Dream's which made me grin happily. Our mutual friend, Sam who was a literal redstone god, had said that he would put his opinions aside and be the judge because both Tubbo and Tommy had decided that they were going to be my lawyers for the day while Dream had Will as his lawyer.

"River," Sam said my name calmly as his character looked over at me as I waved my character's empty hand at him. We all had empty inventories and were wearing no armour because it was made pretty clear that there would be a lot of comedic murder going on. "What happened?" He asked calmly and Dream went to say something, stopping when Will punches his character.

"Dream is a green cheating bastard, that's what happened." Tommy shouts and I try not to laugh at his response. I see my chat goes to agree with him and I see Sapnap doing parkour in the courtroom which I am pretty sure is illegal but like, ok?

"No," Tubbo says quickly, trying to recover from what Tommy is saying because in reality Tubbo was supposed to be my only lawyer but Tommy had said that he wanted to be more involved in the bit to keep his audience and I kind of agreed because what could go wrong. "It has been found that Dream, the defendant, had gotten married to another person," Tubbo looks up at Sam's character and I look over at Dream's who is staring at mine. He is actually dressed in a suit, he actually has a normal minecraft skin on which is extremely rare so we must appreciate it.

"Furry." Tommy cuts in and I go look back at Niki. We are wearing matching suits in the game and we look amazing. Puffy was getting online for the wedding because she had something going on while the court case was scheduled, there were also rumors that George was going to actually wake up and come to the wedding after much spam from literally everyone on the server.

"And so," Tubbo continues on, ignoring Tommy's random comments as he speaks, taking this as it was a serious court case and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Toby had spent actual time looking into how an actual court case went in real life. "We are here asking that he be charged for emotional trauma caused to the plaintiff and her community." He states and I am in awe at how good he is at this all. The kid could literally be a lawyer in the future if he wanted too but he had told me that he wants to help create video games when he gets older and I will fully support him on whatever he wants to do.

"Be charged?" Dream shouts loudly and everyone looks over to him. "No way I am going to pay for getting married to someone," He starts to go on but stops when Will hits him with a stick that all of the lawyers were allowed to have thanks to Tommy bothering Sam enough.

"Dream, shut up." Will snaps at Dream when he tries to go on about the big speech about not adding anything. Sam continues to try and ask Will and Dream some questions to get their side of the story but Sapnap keeps cutting into the conversation, both him and Fundy yelling and telling us that we are in the wrong. George isn't here because he had decided that it was time to sleep and from what I have learned is that GeorgeNotFound likes to sleep a lot, especially when it comes to times whenever an event is happening on the SMP which we had invited him to hours prior and he said yes to. Tubbo had even sent him the skin that he was going to have to wear but George just kind of died on all of us. Everyone tries to keep themselves from laughing and I put a hand over my mouth to try and muffle them because of the whole ordeal that is going on from the other side of the courtroom. "You are making this very hard." Will tells my boyfriend and I make my character look between both Tommy and Tubbo who are laughing at Dream's dismay as he gets yelled at by Will, his lawyer. He tries to go on but Will turns his character to look at me and everyone follows as I stand by Niki's character because Niki deserves more love. "River, make him shut up." Will says sounding desperate and I laugh as an idea hits me.

"Can we take a time out?" I ask Tubbo whose character nods before looking to Sam.

"We can have a ten minute recess, everyone go get some water. Hydration break." Sam tells us all, being super kind and making sure that we are taking care of ourselves.

"I will be right back." I tell Tubbo and Tommy, along with my chat before getting out of my chair. I don't even bother to mute my mic as I race off to the other side of the apartment where Clay is currently talking to his side of the court. I think of Clay and Dream as two seperate people if I was being honest. Dream is his online persona while Clay is who I live with but I love them both so much. I walk into the room to see Clay yelling at Tommy about something and I walk over to him. He turns to me with a small confused face and I kiss him which he quickly melts into which gives me the opportunity I need, Without his realizing, I take the mic off of his desk and then give him a bright, innocent smile as I leave the room again. "I stole his mic." I say proudly as I sit back down into my chair and it is very noticeable about how much quieter it has gotten in the call even though Tommy is usually the loudest out of everyone on the server. I hear a couple people in the call laugh as I have a grin on my face, making my character jump up and down some, wanting the court case to continue on.

"You did what now River?" Sam asks, with amusement in his voice, and I grin because there is no way he didnt hear me. I mean I have two mics now. I look at my Twitch chat who also seems to be both amused and confused as to what I am talking about at the same time as to what I am saying so I turn on the funny mic, getting really close to it like Schlatt taught me.

"I stole DreamWasTaken's microphone," I say clearly into the mic, my voice echoing, and I hear Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled with Niki break into laughter while I can hear the others trying not to laugh. Even Sapnap is trying to cover his laughs up. I play with the mic in my hands a little as Sam continues to talk to all of us and I nod along because I am going to easily win this court case thanks to Tubbo and Tommy.

"River," I hear Clay shout for me, seeming to just now notice that he doesn't have a mic and I giggle as he walks across the apartment and shows up at the door of my recording room. "Give me my mic," He says with an amused smile and I grin a little, shaking my head no so he makes his way over to me and picks me up in one easy move.

"Help," I shout loudly and see my chat's speed pick up by about a hundred. I see my mods start to put on both slow mode and also sub only chat but it still flies by so fast. "TOS, help." I say, laughing lightly as he kisses my forehead and I try to push him away. He laughs, spinning us around a little which makes me squeal and wrap my arms around his neck not wanting to fall. He laughs as he comes to a stop and kisses me softly. "I am suing you even more now." I say with a smile as I kiss him back as he places me down into my chair with a grin and I shake my head a little bit, handing him his mic. "Guys, I know. He kissed me, how gross, has he even heard about cooties?" I laugh lightly as my chat is spamming about the two of us kissing and having fun together casually. Tubbo and Will exchange books, before exchanging them again and then finally going into a call, independently, to talk to each other about the final deal if there was any to come. Clay laughs as he rejoins the conversation on his part and Sam seems to be thinking so we all stay silent in the call, holding our breaths.

"I rule," Sam finally speaks up and my eyes are glued to the screen where his character is standing."As Judge Awesamdude," He continues on and I see the chat is going mad. "That River, the plaintiff, wins the court case of WasTaken v Soot," Sam says and my side of the courtroom cheers before quieting down because Sam hasn't finished yet. "The defendant, Dream, will be forced to give the plaintiff, River, the settled amount of nine netherite bars, two enchanted golden apples and twenty blocks of iron, and she will be able to keep the sword labeled Nightmare, which was settled by the lawyers of the two clients." Sam states as he holds the book that Will and Tubbo had been writing in a few moments earlier.

"What?" Dream shouts loudly as if he couldn't believe it.

"Or the defendant will be jailed until he can make up for his crimes." Sam continues on.

"What?" Dream continues to shout as he looks between the everyone in the courtroom who are cheering because soon I am going to be the most powerful person on the server.

"Thank you." Sam says, sounding a bit smug and the call is filled with cheers about my victory.

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