𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

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"Karl!" I cheer, changing my Minecraft skin as he joins the vc I am chilling with Niki and Puffy in as we get ready for the wedding. I see my chat is flying by with the new ship name and I shake my head.

"River!" He cheers back and we both laugh a little. I look at the skin because it does look like my character is actually about to get married which is pretty cool.

"Get out of the call, you're not allowed to see her yet!" Niki shouts at him and I laugh as I hear him disconnecting. "River, come on, you know the rules." She tells me about the tradition as I rejoin the game. We are standing in Niki's bakery which is pretty far from Church Prime where the wedding was going on. From what Tubbo and Niki have told me, since they were the ones to plan the whole wedding, it had been completely decorated for the wedding between me and Karl and I can't wait to see it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I apologize and start jumping around her bakery. I take off my screen used for when I need to pause the stream and show the viewers my new skin which they all start cheering about. "Huge thank you to who ever helped design this skin, it is so good." I say after I go on deafen and mute. I hear Ranboo in our call when I unmute myself again. "Ranboo!" I cheer and see him walk into the bakery too. Puffy logs back into the server so she is next to us but she stay on mute, probably talking to her chat.

"I was told I am going to walk you down the aisle." Ranboo tells the two of us and I laugh lightly. We have all once again switched skins, changing into outfits that are appropriate for weddings. I have my bridesmaids, Puffy and Niki, while Karl has his groomsmen, Quackity and Ranboo.

Apparently Quackity had also wrote a song for Karl and I which was going to be great. I am very excited for this event and everyone else in the server is as well. Plus this was probably the most amount of people watching everyone's stream at once which was super cool as well. George had actually woken up just as the court case was settled and Dream had yelled at him for not being there.

"Oh this is going to be good." Puffy laughs as she comes off of mute and I laugh as well.

"Come on, we got a wedding to get too." Niki says happily and leaves the bakery with Puffy as they both go to the other call where everyone else is except for me and Ranboo.

"Excited?" Ranboo asks. None of us were going to keep character, per say, in this event because that wouldn't be that fun. I think everyone agrees that is is nice for everyone to just be able to act like themselves on the server for the first time in a while.

"Super." I laugh and he must get a message from one of the boys saying that it was time to go because he looks at me. Tommy and Tubbo are going to be Karl and I's flower boys which they both were super excited about. Tubbo had also offered to bring the diamonds which we were pretending were our rings because they had been renamed.

"Let's go," Ranboo laughs as we crouch at each other and punches my character before apologizing which I say is fine. Our characters walk down the paths to find that Phil is at the door of the church. He enters our call and I laugh already knowing what he is going to do.

"Ok Ranboo," Phil starts as he joins our call and I crouch my character as I look between the two of them. "Since, canonically Will is my son and, as everyone's chat has been pointing out, you are canonically his sister that means that you are also canonically my daughter, I guess. So I have been told by Niki and Tubbo that I have to walk you down the aisle." Phil explains and all of us are laughing a little as my chat spams Dadza.

"It's canon guys!" Ranboo says and that only makes us laugh harder before we have to pull it together. Ranboo goes inside the courthouse and I crouch at Phil.

"So Philza Minecraft," I grin as my chat keeps the spam. "Dadza." I laugh and he laughs at well. He had been convinced, as well as everyone else, to change his skin. "You have done this before, how's it gonna work?" I ask acting stupid and his character looks up at the sky.

"Well you walk down the aisle," He starts to go on but neither of us can take it seriously. "And you get married." Phil says skipping from the beginning to the end with no in between.

"Thank you for the helpful information Dadza." I say and he laughs some more. I jump around a little because we have to wait for the message from Will to let us know that we can join the call again and go inside too.

"You're welcome daughter." Philz shoots back and I see my chat flying past. It is a very good day for them because they now know that I am Phil's canonical daughter and they are also super excited about me getting married. "Is Will going to send the message?" He asks and I check my chat.

"My chat is saying that everyone is not calming down," I read off just as a message pops up in the chat. "My chat is a liar." I say and look back to my screen as Phil's character throws some roses at me to hold. "Thank you." I say putting them into my players first slot to hold them.

"Yep, you ready?" Phil asks and I nod a little with my character so he opens Church Primes doors and I see Karl at the end of the long aisle with all of our friends on the sides and my chat continues to spam our new ship name.

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