𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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I am wrapped wrapped up in the sheets next to Clay as he plays on his phone, still holding me close to him. I make a small face, confused as to why he is just sitting next to me if he was awake already.

"Why are you here if you aren't sleeping?" I ask quietly and he looks down at me, happy to see that I am awake.

"I didn't want you to wake up alone." Clay admits and I can feel myself falling more and more in love with him everyday that I am here with him. "I never want you to wake up without me because you think I was gone." He admits sheepishly and I laugh lightly, trying to sit up in the bed but deciding that the idea of doing that was very stupid of me a second later. "Oh," He says, a small confused yet also upset face as he realizes that it hurts and then frowns. "Are you," Clay starts to ask and I laugh lightly, he is the reason why am I like this. Not that I am complaining at all.

"I'm fine, thank you." I say and lay back down in the bed, grabbing my phone as I stay sitting close to him.

"Do you need anything?" Clay asks, getting out of the bed with a slightly guilty look on his face and I can't help but giggle at his want to help me out. "I can get you medicine, yeah, I'll do that." He talks to himself basically and I shake my head, laughing as he walks out of the room being the good boyfriend he is. I really love him so much more then I ever thought I could.

I scroll through Twitter tiredly because I haven't really been active for the last few days as I have been kind of busy and working on some videos for YouTube and I can see that people are noticing my absence. I scroll for a while and find some really sweet fan art about the wedding which is really cool so I save it into a folder of my favorite works because this community is amazing.

"Ok," Clay comes back into the room, holding a bunch of bottles of medicine and I die of laughter at how sweet and caring he is being right now as there are bruises of his hand prints covering my body. "This is all I could find and I don't know what helps the most so I brought them all to you." He says quietly and looks at me as I move to look at them and he placed a glass of water down onto the little counter.

"Tylenol is fine," I mumble and he nods, taking the pill bottle and handing me the proper pills and then handing me the water. I take the pills with ease and he watches me as if he was trying to make sure I was ok which I give him a smile for.

"Are you ok?" He asks again and I nod.

"I am fine Clay," I say, give him a kiss as he lets out a relieved sigh. He seems to be happy that he really didn't hurt me.

"Shit," He cusses when he picks up his phone and I make a small confused face. "We have Minecraft Championships today." Clay informs me after looking at his phone and I just want to stay in bed as mean as that sounds but I feel really bad for leaving my team. "I am going to tell Scott that you can't play." He says, almost reading my mind and I must make a guilty look because he kisses my forehead. "He will find a replacement and you will be back in next time." He assures me and I nod a little, leaning into him as he texts Scott over Discord who replies almost immediately, asking if everything was ok which Clay says yes about, saying that I just wasn't feeling well which makes me laugh lightly. "Well what do you want me to tell him? We slept together and now you can't play, let alone walk to your pc?" He teases me and I shake my head, holding my hands up in and not saying anything as I yawn and lean against him again.

"I'll just watch a couple of you guys, can I have my laptop?" I ask and he nods, leaving my side to go to the living room and coming back with it a few minutes later. "Did Scott tell you who is going to be taking my spot?" I ask and he nods a little which I give him a curious look about because who could he have added in that fast.

"Ranboo." Clay says calmly as he checks his time. I had slept in late, even though we had stayed up for a while last night, and it was actually pretty close to noon meaning that the games were going to start soon. "Are you sure you going to be ok? I can cancel too and we can just stay and watch a movie or something. I can go get that chocolate you like." He says and I shake my head because I know how much he loves playing the competitive games with his best friends and he was actually going to be playing with Tommy, Fundy and Sapnap which was going to be brilliant to watch.

"I am going to be fine, I promise and if anything happens I will text you, ok?" I tell Clay and he seems to weigh his options before signing and giving in.

"Promise?" He asks me and I nod. "Because if you need me I will leave my team to come help you even mid game." Clay tells me and I smile at how sweet he is being but I let him know that he can go without me because I won't need him, it's just some pain. "Ok, I love you."

"I love you too."

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