𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚠𝚘

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Clay and I stare at each other with our masks on in the busy airport. We stay silent as we look each other but we both have the slightest idea of what is going on in the others head.

Clay didn't want me to go home yet or at least without him because he thought that if I left to go back to the United Kingdom then I wouldn't come back. I had told him multiple times that I was just going home to help with Will and I's parents because the virus was getting worse and I was also going to help Hannah get ready to purpose to her girlfriend named Zara. I was also going to meet Zara for the first time but it sort of feels like I already know her because Hannah talks about her so much.

"I love you," I say quietly, breaking the silence that stands between us in the bustling airport and which is keeping itself busy as people move past us without even glancing back. He wraps his arms around me tightly and I hug him back. Something has been going on with him recently and I don't know what but he's been acting more distance recently and I would say something but I don't want to make it worse for him. "I'll be back soon." I reassure him for the fifth time since we have gotten here and he nods, kissing the top of my forehead and then letting me go.

I stand up on my toes and kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck and he holds me close to him but a second later I pull away. He mutters that he loves me and will be waiting for me when I get home and I nod.

I pick up my backpack which is stuffed with the few things I could bring onto the plane with me while the rest is in my suitcase. I had gotten a good seat in the business section so I could work on videos a little bit but knew that I would probably try to sleep on my way over because I didn't really like flying. Then again who does?

We share one more weak smile between the two of us and then I walk away, back towards my terminal which my plane will be taking off from. I don't look back even though I can feel his eyes on me because I know that I will want to stay here with him if I do.

I talk to the lady at the desk who is telling us what to do and after a few minutes of everyone waiting around, she lets us all know that we can get in line to board the plane. As I make my way to the spot where she is checking our tickets, I run into another person which makes us both drop our bags.

"I am so sorry," We both say at the same time and I let out a little laugh, reaching down to grab my bag, praying that nothing had gotten broken in the process of dropping it onto the concrete ground. I look up to see the American boy who is giving me a smile as we meet eyes.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." He says as he leans down to grab his business case. He is the probably imagine of someone who should be sitting in business class section. He is tall with dark hair and a suit on fitted nicely on him. "Grayson." He introduces himself and holds his hand out for me to shake.

"River." I introduce myself and he shoots me a smile. Grayson looks like he was going to do something important while I just looked like I normally do, one of Clay's sweatshirts hanging off of my frame and black leggings. "You look a lot nicer then I do." I laugh lightly and I hear him chuckling lightly.

"Nah," He shakes his head, running one of his hands through his dark hair. "You look fine, to be honest I wish I could be dressed like that." I raise my eyebrows a little with a small smirk and laughs a little. "With the exception of the leggings, I think I could go without them."

"I was about to say," I laugh with him and we both stand in the ling together, slowly moving up towards where our tickets would be looked at so we could be directed to our proper seats.

"So you're going to London?" Grayson asks as we both look ahead of ourselves and I cringe slightly when I see there is a family with small children boarding. As much as I love kids, I hate being on planes with them because they cry but luckily I will probably be far enough from the family that I won't hear them crying.

"Yep," I pop my lips and he chuckles a little as I rock on my heels, looking up at him. "I'm going to guess that you are too?" I say and he nods a little, an amused smile on his face as he looks down at me. He has to be taller then Clay, not by much but maybe an inch or two.

"I am," Grayson tells me with another nod as we get to the front of the line so there is only two people ahead of us and he lets me go in front of him. "Well it was more then lovely to meet you River," He says kindly and I smile happily. "Oh," He looks at me again as if he just remembered something. "Can I ask for your number?" Grayson asks me and I debate if I should for a second before shrugging a little because what is the harm in making a new friend.

"Sure," I say and he digs his phone out of his pocket, unlocks it and hands it to me with a smile. I quickly type my number in and send myself a text before saying goodbye and making my way down the plan.

I sit down in my seat next to the window and get to work on my laptop but look up when I see someone standing at the end of the other side of the table.

"It must be destiny." Grayson laughs and I can't help but giggle a little as well because it is very amusing that we got seats across from each other. At least I won't be sitting next to some creep on the way home.

"Totally," I roll my eyes jokingly at the idea of destiny. "Not pure chance." I giggle and he scoffs, a big grin on his face as well as he sits down across from me, slipping his case down onto the little table in front of us where we each have some of our things spread out.

"You don't believe in destiny?" He challenges me and I laugh a little as he leans forwards in his chair, interlocking his hands together.

"Depends." I laugh a little and we talk for a while as the plane takes off, taking both me and my new American friend to London.

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