wi | iv. dating carlos

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↪ walks with Dude (that dog ships you two)

↪ soft kisses and so many hugs

↪ when you wear heels you're taller than him, but he doesn't care because he's confident and doesn't have some sort of superiority complex

↪ playing video games with him

↪ being best friends with Jane

↪ sometimes when you both wake up in the middle of the night (him from nightmares, and you because he yells when he has nightmares) you go downstairs to the kitchen and dance around as you randomly bake cookies or brownies or something

↪ you sneak the goodies back

↪ you consume the brownies or cookies or whatever you want, and then you cuddle because that's the only way he feels safe enough to go back to sleep

↪ you're literally the only one who can touch his hair

↪ you both love to nerd out about computers! If you don't understand something he'll explain it to you, and if he doesn't understand something, you'll explain it to him, no judgement

↪ sometimes he'll tell you stories from the Isle, and you'll hold him while he cries. His life was awful there, and you understand that and try to help him in any way you can

↪ it took him forever to ask you to cotillion, and when he finally had the courage... you asked him first

↪ you're each other's happily ever after~

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