Tamaki x Reader~ Dear Winter

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A/N I really like this song (Dear Winter by AJR) and I feel like it would be really cute for Tamaki

This chapter the reader is gender neutral, I tired to keep them gender neutral, the song is by a heterosexual man so it will be a bit iffy for the lyrics
Tamaki's POV

I was sitting in class talking to Y/N. god they is so pretty.

"I want to name my first daughter Winter, it is such a pretty name" they said starting to ramble as I watch them.

Dear Winter, I hope you like your name, I hope they don't make fun of you. When you grow up and go to school, okay? Cause Winter is a badass name.

We met when we were young, she and Mirio grew up together so they both kind of adopted me to their group when I came the school. They were the only people I talked to by choice. I think that was why I fell for Y/N so hard, because they were the only person I spoke to.

"What are you doing tonight?" They asked me.

"Nothing, probably just going to study." I say snapping out of my thoughts.

Dear Winter,
I hope you talk to girls, or boys or anyone you like, I just hope you don't stay in every night. Cause I wish I was out tonight.

They will never know how much I love them.


God I wish I could find someone who loves me like I love Tamaki, but he doesn't love me, he only sees me as a friend.

It really doesn't seem like there is anyone for me but, Dear Winter, I hope you like your name.

Tamaki's POV

I wish I could tell them how I felt, we could have a family together, we could be together for all of eternity.

I'm hopeing that one day, I can meet you on this earth, but sh!t I gotta meet your mom first.

I mean I already met them, but I just have to tell them. I guess class had started and I dazed off because suddenly the teacher dropped a book on my desk. I jump "I'm sorry what" I studded blushing from the attention drawn towards me.

I look over at Y/N they were staring at me with sympathy in their E/C eyes, god their eyes are so beautiful.

Dear Winter, I hope you like this song. And even when you're thirteen and you scream at me for parenting you wrong, I hope it's still a badass song.

I manage to pay attention to class without dazing off. God I wish I could tell them how I felt, I thought as Mirio, Y/N and I walk to lunch.

It really doesn't seem like there is anyone for me, but Dear Winter I hope you like your name.

"SH!T" I say as I bump into a wall and drop my stuff. Y/N and Mirio quickly helped me pick it all up.

"Language" Y/N said jokingly.

You know I can't wait, to teach you how to curse, but sh!t I gotta meet your mom first.

I remember when we thought Y/N was gonna move to America with their parents, we were all heartbroken. I was mostly, I was 10 years old and was going to lose the love of my life. Thankfully they convinced their parents to stay here in Japan.

"How was your day, Y/N?" I ask, as always.

"It was pretty good, I got to draw a bit in class today" They said excitedly.

Dear Winter, Don't move to far away. And please don't say I'm hovering when I text you to ask you about your day, I want to hear about your day.

"I think I might got shopping with the girls in our class, they asked if I wanted to hang out with them after school." Y/N said.

I shoot my head up "But what about us? Does that mean you aren't going to hang out with us anymore?"

"Of course I'm going to hang out with you guys, you are my best friends, I would never leave you."

Will we still hang out and talk when I'm no longer in charge.

"Hey do you remember when we were kids when we promised we would be each other's first kiss when we were older?" They laughed as we walked to class together, Mirio was excused for his Hero Studies.

"Yeah, that was a fun day. You kissed a frog and made me give you my lollipop." I say laughing.

Dear Winter I hope you like your name. I hope you let me take a shot with you on your 21st, but shit you gotta ask your mom first.

"Hey can I talk to you about something important?" Y/N asked me.

"Of course, what is it?" I ask concerned.

"Privately" They say.

"Sure" I say as we walk to one of the hidden spots we found in the woods behind he school as first years.

"Okay, this is really hard but I have to tell you.... I like you, and not just as a friend. And if not that is okay, but do you maybe want to go out sometime? If not that is okay-" They said quickly.

I kiss them to stop them from rambling.

"Is that a yes?" They ask as we pull away.

"Of course" I say.

Dear Winter, I'm looking for your mom. I gotta find a girl who doesn't mind that I'm in my head a lot. But Winter I won't be too long, first I just gotta find your mom.

Mirio finds us and walks though the bushes. "I thought you two would be here, you finally ask him, Y/N?" He asked as I blush.

"Yeah, I finally did." They said while kissing me again.

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