Platonic! Karen Rooney x Female! reader

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this was request a WHILE back I just have been in a bout of depression and have been EXTREMELY unmotivated to write, so I'm sorry for taking so long

⚠️TW talk, and reference to abuse, both physical and mental⚠️
if this is a trigger, please consider reading another story
If this is happening to you, please, PLEASE, talk to someone and get help out of that. Know you are loved, and people WILL help

and with that! on with the story!!

Your POV

I briskly walk into the school building, and I pull up my hood to hide the yet to be faded bruises.

I look around at all of the people in the halls and quickly head to class.

~~Time skip~~

I walk out of class and bump into someone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't look where I was going." I say quickly.

"Yeah clearly! WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING" they yell. I try to back away and slide to the ground to make myself smaller as I feel the tears start to fall.

"AWW little baby gonna cry!? WELL APOLOGIZE!!" They yell again, the tears streaming down harder.

"That'll be enough Mr. Graham" I hear someone say. I look up to see Mrs. Rooney, the school psychologist with her hand on his shoulder. He shrugs her off and walks off with his friends.

"Come on, sweetie" She says as she helps me up. "let take his to my office."

I nod and follow her.

~~in her office~~

I sit down in the seat that infront of her desk, she slides her chair to be decently closer to me.

"You want to talk to me about anything? like maybe why you were crying? This is a safe place, you don't have to if you don't want to." She said looking at me sincerely.

"Well..." I trail off.

"Hey, you are okay, we don't have to talk, if you don't want to. I am here for you." She said. I don't say anything so she pulls out a cigarette. "Do you mind?" she asked me.

"You're okay" I say.

"Thank you. So... do you wanna talk." She asked as she lit it, and opened her window to blow out the puff.

"Well, my dad, he isn't the kindest. And I guess that guy yelling kinda of triggered something." I say, as I start to cry again. She nods her head blowing out another puff of smoke and slides the box of tissues towards me.

I continue to tell her about how my dad would hit me. She let out her cigarette and looked at me with sincerity.

"Hey, I know I shouldn't be saying this, but that's majorly fucked up." She says. "You need to get out of there, quickly. I know this is kind of rash and quick, but do you want to maybe come and stay with me and my family for the night, until we can figure out everything?" She says.

I nod my head at her offer and smile at her kindness. She smiled back and paused. Then she ripped out the loudest fart I have ever heard and laughs. I burst out laughing. I'm crying again, but not out of sadness.

~~ 3 months later ~~

I drag my suitcase up the steps and stop infront of the door.

"You coming?" Mrs. Rooney asked standing with the door open offering me into my new house.

I nod and walk in, with tears in my eyes, but not from sadness. I let out a breath and leave that life of pain and misery behind.

I hope this is what you where hoping for, again, I'm sorry this took so long! Sorry this is kinda short, I just wanted to get this out before losing motivation again

as of: 3/24/21
word count: 514

Thank you for reading! I hope you like this story.

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I love you all!!♥️🧡💛💚💙💜

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