You're Mine

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   Nesta felt free for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. At this moment. She was finally, truly alone. She had not had one moment of peace since coming here.

Nesta sat beside the fire in the cabin, nestled in the couch. The book in her hand had fallen onto her lap and she sat in silence as she stared at the flames.

It had only been an hour since Cassian left for Velaris. She hadn't had a moment away from him in the last two weeks, sharing this cabin with him and him riding her ass about training. It was the first time she wasn't being watched. By him, by the warriors here, by Devlon, by what felt like every person in these god forsaken mountains.

It was like finally being able to take a deep breath.

Nesta was surprised Cassian hadn't made someone supervise her. It was definitely something he would have done, in hindsight, should have done. Something he did on their third day here, when he needed to run off somewhere.

But over the last few days, Cassian had been more relaxed around her. Almost. Almost like he was starting to trust her.

That was a mistake.

Nesta needed a drink.

She hadn't had enough time to drink during those first two weeks. Exhausted from the physicality of what was now demanded out of her, here in Delvon's camp. And with Cassian personally training the female illyrians, Nesta had no way out of the exercises. Cassian even dragged her out of bed one morning when she wasn't able to get up, muscles too sore to move on her own accord.

It was dusk when Nesta decided she would go out and get that drink. She had already looked through the entire cabin on her second night here. She waited until she heard Cassian's snores before searching the joint. And came back with nothing.

And now with Cassian being called back to Velaris for the evening, she was free of her warden. And planned on making the best of her small dose of freedom, regardless of the consequences.

She had been waiting to catch a break from Cassian. He overwhelmed her. She had never been around Cassian this much before coming up to the camps.

When they weren't at each other's throats in the cabin they shared, they were training. When they weren't training, Cassian was forcing her to eat to gain weight to be able to handle the sessions. He had even gone so far as to make her do chores with the other female's in the camp. She had never done housework before. But here? She found herself cleaning the dining hall, in the kitchen cutting and preparing food for the bland meals served, even so far as doing laundry.

It was horrible.

What was worse is that even though Nesta's life had been forced into doing a complete 180, she was always in a state of hunger. Anytime her and Cassian finished a screaming match, or he slammed through her on the training mat, she was left in a pool of raging desire.

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