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Ashlyn P.O.V.

"Hello. Your results are back. It appears that you are pregnant but in order to find out who the father is it has to be born so we can do blood test." The doctor said. I felt so nasty with myself. I thanked him and left. I drove home with tears spilling my eyes. I parked in the driveway and sat there. I dialed Ashley's number. I hesitated before clicking call. I was hoping that he didn't answer but he did. "Hello?" He asked. "H-hey..it's Ashlyn." I stuttered. "Oh. Hey...about that night I-" he started but I cut him off. "I'm pregnant." I said. "Your what?" He asked. "Pregnant..." I said. "Is it mine..?" He asked slowly. "I don't know...I have to give birth to it in order to find out." I said. "This is all my fault...I almost ruined your relationship and possibly got you pregnant all because I couldn't keep it in my pants." He said. "Well. Incase it is yours...I just wanted to let you know." I said and hung up. I let more tears fall. I got out of the car and walked inside the house. I set my keys on the counter in the kitchen and I grabbed a water bottle and gulped it down. I heard footsteps coming downstairs. I looked up to see kellin walking in. He looked at me and walked past me. He went into the garage. He came back in and had a letter in his hand. He handed it to me and stood infront of me. "Here." He said. I opened it and began reading the letter. My heart crumbled as I finished it...i couldn't believe what I was reading...

Do It Now, Remember It Later. (Kellin Quinn FF).   [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now