Shattered hearts and love thats lost.

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Ashlyn P.O.V.

I woke up in an unfamiliar bunk. I turned and seen a picture of a blonde little girl then I realized that's Craig mabbitts daughter. I'm laying in my celebrity crushes bed. "Yes your laying in my bed." Someone said from behind me. I turned to see Craig standing there smirking. I went bright red and he chuckled. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked. He nodded and grinned. I covered my face. "Come on..scoot over and you can lay next to your celebrity crush." He said. I moved over and he laid next to me. I blushed more. "So, what's up?" He asked. I smiled. "You know...the usual...waking up in your celebrity crushes bed..what about you?" I said. He laughed. "Having an awesome girl in my bed." He said. I laughed at how that sounded. "Not like sex! I mean like laying next to me.! God that totally didn't come out right.." He said covering his face. I laughed and hugged him. "Thank you." I said. He wrapped an arm around me. "For what?" He asked. "Making amazing music." I said. He kissed my forehead. "Me and the music are here whenever you need and the rest of ETF put our numbers in your phone.." He said. I smiled. "Come on...Jesse wants you on his bus because kellin wants to apologize." Craig said and climbed out of his bunk, helping me out. "Hey ash." The rest of ETF said as I walked by. I smiled and waved as Craig took my hand and led me to sleeping with sirens bus. I walked inside to see kellin with his head in his hands. He looked up and got up. "I'm gonna go, I'll see you later." Craig said and then left, closing the door. "I'm sorry Ashlyn...I was drunk and being stupid...I was just....I was just upset about katelynn...." Kellin said. I hugged him. He hugged back. "Forgiven." I said. He laughed and nodded. "Soo I seen you holding mabbitts hand...any gossip to tell me about?" Kellin asked with a smile. I chuckled and looked at the time. "I'll tell you after your set, come on." I said and grabbed his hand and we ran off the bus and too the stage they were preforming at. We arrived and we flashed our passes and then we ran to the side of the stage where the rest of the band was. "There you are! We're on let's go!" My brother shouted. I released kellins hand and the band ran on stage. Kellins whole persona changed. He was excited and pumped while he sang and jumped around on stage, along with the rest of the band, except gabe of course..being that he was the drummer. I smiled as I watched them. The band finished their set, running off stage and giving me sweaty hugs. I smiled. Kellin hugged me the longest. He flashed that award winning smile and looked behind me as his smile disappeared. I turned around to see katelynn..and little Copeland. Katelynn came up to kellin and hugged him. "I missed you baby." She said. He didn't even hug her back. She released him and looked me. "Are you going to introduce yourself?" She asked. "I'm Ashlyn Lawson." I said. She looked at me then Jesse. "How come your not a ginger?" She asked. "Go back to school and learn biology and then you'll find out why." I said. Kellin tried to hold back his laughter, failing, along with everyone else. She glared at kellin. "Why are you here Kate?" He asked. "To see my husband.." She said. He scoffed. "I told them katelynn..even though you told me not to, I did..." He said. She looked angry. "Well the ..I'll be going.." She said but stopped and whispered in my ear. "Stay away from him.." She said and walked away. I flipped her off. "What'd she say.?" Kellin asked. "She told me to stay away from you.." I said. He laughed. We went to the meet and greet and I sat in the back of the tent. Some girl kissed kellin. I felt a little jealous...ok ALOT....kellin would smile at me each time he looked at me. I would smile back of course. God he was perfect...I like him a lot...I wish he liked me back...he probably doesn't... The meet and greet lasted about 3 hours and it was starting to get dark. We walked back to the bus and got on. We did head count and the bus took off. I sat in the back lounge with justin, gabe, and kellin. Kellin was on his phone for a second then he got off of it. A few seconds later Justin and gabe checked their phones and then got up and left. Kellin got up and sat next to me. I smiled at him as I watched the movie that was on. "Ash..I wanna ask you something..." He said. I looked at him. "Ok." I said. "If you were a guy and you liked this girl but your not sure how to tell her what would you do?" He asked. "Well I would tell her with a song...dedicate a song to her that expresses your feelings toward her. " I said. He smiled and hugged me. My heart shattered. He likes another girl...we sat there and watched the movie and I soon fell asleep while a single tear ran down my cheek.

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