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Kellin P.O.V.

They said....

Positive?! How? We used a condom! I Guess it broke....Fuck, jesses going to kill me.! I sighed deeply and then Ashlyn breathed in deeply and looked at me. What am I gonna do? This is my fault and I somehow need to fix this, but for some reason, I feel angry.


Ashlyn P.O.V.

"Kellin, what-" I started but kellin cut me off. " stop! I need some time to think about what I'm gonna do..." He spat. I looked at him in disbelief. "You need some time to think about what YOUR gonna do?? You should be thinking about what WE'RE gonna do! Your so selfish!" I growled. Kellin was glaring at me then I just see his hand collide with my cheek. I gasped as my cheek stung. "What the hell, man?" Craig growled and rushed towards me. "Oh my god. Ashlyn, I'm so sorry.! It was an accident and I just got all-" kellin started. "What the hell kellin?! I walk inside to see my sister get hit by her boyfriend?! My best friend?! My band mate?!" Jesse shouted from behind kellin. Justin held him back then Jesse looked at the plastic bag the tests were laying on and he seen what they said. "Please tell me these aren't, yours." Jesse asked while rage fumed off him. "Don't blame me! Blame this prick for not knowing how to use a fucking condom?!" I shrieked. "Ash, babe, calm down." Kellin said. "You know what, fuck this! You want goodie two shoes Ashlyn? Too fucking bad?! You just brought out the devil motherfucker! We are done!" I yelled and stormed off the bus. They want some one completely different? Fine, they've just unleashed someone completely different!...

Do It Now, Remember It Later. (Kellin Quinn FF).   [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now