6 - Marshmallows

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A.N: Chronologically, this chapter would take place directly after Chapter 4; but I'm not sure what order would make more sense. For now this is chapter 6.
Sorry this one is short, next one will be longer <3

♦~~~~ Monoma's POV ~~~~♦

I came home while I was still rubbing my bruised cheek and thinking about the fight me and Katsuki had. I can't believe I managed to rile him up so bad! One point for team Monoma!
The creaking of the front door didn't alert Hitoshi, and I didn't really want him to worry about me anyways- I don't think he'd get that this was a good thing!
He was probably just on his computer and wouldn't get out of his room until later tonight. I put my coat on the rack and stretched out my arms before heading to the bathroom and turning on the sink. I put my hands under the cold water and splashed it all over my face, the bruise stung on impact. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my cheek looked red, a little bit purple. I tugged under my eye, trying to tell if it would blacken. I couldn't go to work with a black eye.
I did myself a glass of water before turning off the faucet, and starting to head to my room. Just as my hand reached for the door, Shinso came out of his room and saw me.

"Oh, Neito, you're back." He held his phone in his hands as if he was looking at it before noticing me. "How was your day?"

I turned to him without thinking and laughed. "It was great! Nothing interesting at work, but I-" Shinso put a hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb against the bruise with an unchanging expression. It hurt a little bit. Oh, I forgot, I didn't want to worry him with that. "Hitoshi-"
"What happened to you?"
"I got into a squabble with a Class A idiot! He got really mad." I grinned as I remembered what happened. "I'll get him even better next time." Hitoshi greeted me with a deadpan stare and flicked my bruise with two fingers. Ow!
"Don't get into fights on purpose. What if you got a black eye?" Oh, I know.
"Hitoshi, the look on his face was priceless!" Shinso finally pulled his hand back and shook his head.
"No getting through to you, huh? I'll come check up on you tomorrow morning." he said with a hint of joking intention, before walking towards the kitchen as he originally intended. Sometimes he was such a worrywart, wasn't he?

I finally opened the door to my room and walked in. I was filled with pride as I remarked to myself that it was perfectly clean, and amazingly perfect in just about every way. I took off my shirt, pants and binder and put them away in my closet before changing into pajamas and carefully sinking into my pillowy bed. It was somehow twice as comforting laying there when I knew I'd accomplished something today!

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