B1 - Of Homes and Carpeting

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A/N: Okay so before I actually get into this I want to clarify that B1 means it's a bonus chapter, this may or may not be canon to Macchiato at some point, but it doesn't fit for where we currently are in the story. So basically this is the Home Depot chapter I've been thinking about for a long, long time now. I hope you enjoy it even if it's not a continuation of the story (yet) :]
Onto the fanfic!

♦~~~~ Bakugou's POV ~~~~♦

I was just chilling in my apartment by myself, I'd just baked some murderously awesome baked goods when I got a text on my phone.
I look, and bam, it's that asshole Blondie. Ever since I'd unblocked him, he'd been sending me shit, and ever since then I'd been wondering if I should just block him again. But well, there's no way to block someone in real fucking life, so.
I reluctantly open the text while munching on one of my creation.

♦~~~~ Monoma's POV ~~~~♦

I typed frantically to my new 'frenemy' (as 'Shinsou' put it). You see, disaster had struck me. Why must God give the hardest battles to his bravest soldiers?! This was not the moment to be the best and brightest.
My carpet, my poor, amazing carpet; it was so young, so beautiful, and now, it was GONE. Just like that. My stupid little roommate had BARGED into my room and SPILLED coffee ALL over it. And now? NOW? Who was going to escort me to the Home Depot to replace her?
Hopefully, Katsuki. Worst case scenario, I'd go by myself. But I am a broken man. Who knows what I'd do, left alone in Home Depot? Hopeless. Surely Katsuki would understand.

♦~~~~ Bakugou's POV ~~~~♦

Kats? This bitch sure was irritating. We're not even fucking friends, at least when I give nicks it's 'cause I can't remember someone's name. He's just being fuckin' annoying.
But whatever, guess I'll text him back...

"dont call me kats"

He responded very fast. Fuck, I hoped he'd have thrown his phone into the sea or something.

"Katsuki, this is horrible. My carpet, she's gone. I need a new one."

"wtf that got to do w me.."

He's being this goddamn dramatic over a CARPET?

"You need to take me to Home Depot. I need to replace her, otherwise my room will feel empty and dull. You wouldn't want that, would you?
I'll harass you twice as much if you don't help."

just fyi i hate u 🖕"

You're saving me, kitty kats 🥺
How will I ever repay you!"


♦~~~~ Monoma's POV ~~~~♦

YES! I've scored an escort to the Home Depot! Hopefully Bakugou will be able to carry my carpets around. What else would a Class 1-A-er want to do more than to show off their brawn (since they don't have any brains to speak off...)? Especially Katsuki, right? Since he wanted to beat me up so badly.

It wasn't too long until me and him met up, and he picked me up in his car. I sat down next to him.
"Did you know this is the most dangerous seat? I'm putting myself in quite the predicament for you~"
Katsuki looked at me like I was insane. "What the fuck are you talking about? Also what is that." He stared at the soggy carpet that was rolled up under my armpit.
"Don't talk about her, it hurts to think about. I just need to throw her away in some dumpster; I wouldn't expect you to understand..." I fastened my seatbelt as I reminisced about all the good times I had with my carpet.
That time I walked on it, lied down on it, walked on it, put a yoga mat on it, dusted it... Walked on it. It really added flair to my room...
Meanwhile, Bakugou was still looking at me like I was crazy, but whatever, I guess he didn't have the sensitivity to get why this was such a big deal.
"Whatever. Put that shit in the back." He groaned at me, and I had to put the fallen soldier in the backseat, lest he fly into a road rage.

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