4 - Empty Cups

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♦~~~~ Nobody's POV ~~~~♦

It was late on a Thursday, much past the time where people usually come in. Bakugou and Shoto were handling the desk while Izuku, along with Inko and Hina, rested upstairs. It was a slow night- Only one or two customers coming in every hour. The shop was nearly empty except for a few people that lingered, on their phones or laptops. Bakugou was in a better mood than usual, chatting with Todoroki while nobody was waiting at the desk.

Overall, it had been a slow day, with significantly less people pouring in than usual. Inko had guessed it was because of some recent rumors spurred on by a girl going missing, but nobody really knew why when it came down to it. "Sometimes, that's just how things are." Shoto had remarked. None of them had paid it much mind.

But both Katsuki and Izuku had noticed it- The usual obnoxious blonde hadn't come in at lunch today. It had, somehow, aided Bakugou's mood, and had (mildly) worried Izuku. Although, it did everyone good to spend a whole day without tension in the shop.

However, it was 8:14pm when Neito casually made his way into the coffee shop, offhandedly running his fingers through his hair while he walked towards the desk. Bakugou tensed up. Shoto took his order, asked Bakugou to make it. Bakugou was tense.

♦~~~~ Bakugou ~~~~♦

Just when I think I can go one day without seeing this fucker, he shows up. I'm makin his order, trying not to mess up but my fingers want to break this cup more than anything in the whole goddamn world. I can feel those gray eyes looking at me even when I've got my back turned.

Piece of shit. Asshole. Asshole, asshole, asshole-

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. Icy-Hot is looking at me and he's talkin, but I have trouble focusing on him, when I see fucking Blondie behind the counter. He's hellbent on coming here, isn't he? Icy-Hot moves out of my way and heads off. There's like static in my brain, but that blue-eyed dipshit leans towards me and cuts through it.

"Katsuki, you better not be messing up my order!" He laughs like a broken record and I try to keep my mouth shut. Asshole. He's such a fucking asshole. "I didn't think you'd be open this late, honestly. How long do you stay in here?" Fuck off.  Shut the fuck up.

"Stop talking."


"Don't call me by my first name," Asshole. "Blondie."

The dipshit snickers and looks down at the cup. I know that boiling coffee dripping on my fingers, but it feels like nothing.

"You're spilling it..."

I slam the cup down and wipe my hands on my pants. "You don't know how to fucking shut up, do you?"

Blondie clicks his tongue and looks at my pants with his brows raised as if he was mocking me. Just like old times. Fucker. "You're staining your uniform, Katsuki. I always knew you and your classmates had no hygiene." he laughed. Asshole. Piece of fucking shit.

He looks at me with taunting eyes as I get out from behind the counter. "What are you gonna do, Katsuki? Hit me?" He laughed some more.

I picked the fucker up by his collar and looked him in the eyes. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but it's fucking annoying. How are you still on that fucking high school shit?"

Blondie still wasn't taking this seriously, my grip tightened. He still looked so fucking nonchalant, as if he was watching me like a goddamn movie.

"Grow the fuck up, Blondie. You're so fucking stuck in the past, aren't you? Can't you just avoid places when you know you aren't welcome, dipshit?"

I could feel other people staring, but I didn't fucking care. If Blondie was getting beat tonight, I wanted everyone to know about it cause he fucking deserved it. For so long he came here. Just to taunt me.

"Well, this cafe is the closest to my job. And..." He inhaled sharply. "I've got to admit, the coffee is pretty good. Must be because you don't own the place. You-"

I shook him up a bit, finally he looked scared. Fucking asshole.

"-clearly wouldn't have taste." Of course he'd fucking finish that sentence, even if he had to slobber through it.

"I'll knock all the teeth out of your fucking jaw, copycat."

He seemed to pause in his tracks. He grinned at me. The fucker grinned at me. Again.

"Oh..." He paused and he laughed at me, again. "You remembered, didn't you? That I hated the nickname Copycat? That's why you were calling me blondie up until now." Piece of shit.
So he does remember. This whole time, he remembered. Finally some fucking proof that he didn't just get a concussion and forgot all about our time in high school, the times where we talked and didn't fight. That fucking asshole, this whole time-
My grip was loosening.

"Fuck you." I punched him square in the cheek. He let out some pathetic, dumb fucking noise and took five steps back at least. He looked down, panting like a dog before his eyes came back to me. And he grinned again, rubbing his hand against his cheek. He wanted to say something. I know he did. But he just walked away.

When I looked back at the counter, I saw I'd spilled his coffee. The cup was on it's side, completely empty. And Shoto was looking at me from the bathroom door as if I'd just killed someone.

Well then. Well fucking then.

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