7 - Irish Coffee

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♦~~~~ Deku's POV ~~~~♦

It's the second day of work since the beginning of Kacchan's suspension. Mom did mean well and it's... Better for our image to let him off for a bit, but I was still uncomfortable working when I knew that he couldn't. I'd gone on shifts without him before of course, our schedules didn't match up perfectly, but the knowledge that he was cooped up at home with nothing but himself and the thought of what he did was really eating away at me. Sometimes I'd catch myself staring off or chewing my lip because of all the anxiety I had to try and contain. With him gone for the week, my mother decided to work at the desk more. She had a few plans she had to brush off for it, but I guess she was more keen on doing the right thing. If Shoto was concerned, he didn't show it... Much. Two nights ago, he told me that he wished that it Kacchan could work with us, and I think he wanted to say more- but as usual, he shut himself down before continuing.

So, my day was going pretty bad, and I was much, much more tired than usual. That's when the usual obnoxious blonde waltz in. There's a few things I notice right away, the first being that he doesn't seem that upset, the second that his face wasn't bruised, and the third was... That he came back? Despite him and Kacchan's altercation just a few days ago, he was coming back? My body tensed up as he eventually came up in line and looked around the desk with a light scowl on his face.

"Huh. Where's the menace?"
"H...Huh? Sorry sir, I'm not sure I follow." What?
Monoma clicked his tongue and cocked a brow. "Where is he?"
I looked around- I felt very confused. Was he talking about-
"Ahh- That Katsuki, where is he?" despite everything, he didn't seem hostile. At least not more than usual (although, he mostly just seems cocky and unhinged, usually). But well, he must be wanting to know that Kacchan got a fitting punishment... I felt myself gulp.
"W-well- After what happened on Thursday- he got suspended. He won't be in for the next week, so... Don't- Worry about it." I tried to force a smile, but Monoma's face seemed to stay still for a moment. "Oh..." he said in a tone that only really carried acknowledgement.
"I suppose that is what happens when you hit the great Neito Monoma!" he laughed. "Retribution!" Monoma eventually stopped laughing and rubbed his cheek before putting his hands on his waist. I looked up at him.
"I'd like to order an Irish Coffee, please." He cut me off right as I was about to ask what he'd order. He's... Getting the hang of not holding up the entire cafe, isn't he...
Wait. Doesn't he have work?
"That has alcohol in it." 
He looked at me with palpable judgement. "And?"
"You don't.. Uh..." I paused and placed my hand against the card reader, ready to pull it out. He probably has a long break, or something. Irish coffees aren't that strong anyways. "Nevermind. That'll be 1000 yen."
"So expensive!" he exclaimed. "It better be good."
"Alcoholic coffee does cost more. Alcohol is expensive..."
Now, Monoma just looked plain annoyed. He sighed and tried to smile but it was obviously fake. I shuddered slightly.
"Oh waiter, I know! I'll pay in card." He seemed to be speaking through his teeth- Oh my. He pulled out his card, and in turn I pulled out the card reader. He quickly cashed in his order. I passed it on to Shoto who quickly got to work.

I didn't look at Monoma, it just felt too awkward now. He probably thought I was trying to nudge him more about drinking alcohol, but I really wasn't. I fumbled with my fingers as the next person walked up to the desk. I took their order, with a newfound appreciation for how much more polite and understanding most other customers are. When Monoma came back to pick up his order, he just gave me a look which I only felt, and didn't see- Before walking out of the cafe to drink his Irish Coffee outside.

Admittedly, it was much better for him to ignore me than anything else. I wouldn't want him to initiate a fight with me like he did with Kacchan- and if I didn't make a scene like him, maybe my mom would... Would she? I pondered the question as I kept going through orders.

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