Chapter 6: The Girl In The Bathroom

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***Warning*** This is the old version! The new version is going to be saved under Calling Cupid's Daughter (Edited and Rewritten)*** 

Chapter 6:

The Girl In The Bathroom

Riley and I spent the rest of the lunch period talking about ways to get information on Ryan. I figured the best way to inconspicuously learn about Ryan was to go through Chase, but I was pretty sure I made Chase mad with my little fake number act. My plan was to talk to him during Pre Cal so that Riley would be there to back me up. We are the ultimate interrogation team!

We finished lunch a little early, Because Riley had to go retake a test. I decided that i would just go on to the library, but before i got there i heard someone crying in the girls restroom. Now, normally I would have made sure that the person crying was with a friend and that they were going to be okay, but when i opened the door she was sitting in the corner shaking and sobbing, hands wrapped around her legs, and dark brown hair that reached the floor covering her face. I had seen this kind of sobbing before. It was the kind of crying that only comes from a broken heart. Its the gut wretching kind of cry that you know was never meant for anyone but the person who is trying to peice their heart back together.

I knew better than to try to talk to her. At that point she was to far gone for talking. She needed conforting, but not with words. I walked over to her and sat down. I wraped my arms around her and she instantly hugged me back and cryed even harder.

"Shhhh. It's going to be okay." I said as I rubbed her back. It took a few minutes but eventualy she calmed down enough for me to let go and get a wet cloth. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked while wiping her face. I was expecting her to say no, but she simply nodded her head and smiled.

"I guess i should start from the begining... I hated him when all of this started. We used to be friends in middle school" she laughed but it came out almost visious, "Then one day he said he hated me because i was an ugly girl. I never cared if he thought i was ugly, but the fact that the way i looked was what deermened if we were friends pissed me off. I kicked him in the privates, and told him i didn't care because i hated him from the beginging. I hated everything about him after that. The way he acted like nothing could touch him. The way he could walk all over someone as if they had no feelings at all... Once we hit high school he became a ladies man. He played so many girls that it was imposible to keep track. He managed to start 'dating' to of my friends at the same time. They didn't talk to eachother much, but they had me in common and after they stoped hating eachother they had a crazy idea... A 'John Tucker Must Die' kind of idea... I think you can figure out how that went. It actualy worked at first. At least i though it was. That is until i fell for him. You know like all of those stupid movies and books I thought that maybe he would fall for me to, but i was stupid and nieve." She sighed, "It turnes out that he hates me... Ever since middle school he has hated me. He said i broke him. I dont understand how he thinks that I am the one who broke HIM. He decided that the best way to get back at me would be to make me fall for him... I guess you can see it worked, and i guess i deserved it since i was playing the same dirty tricks on him." She stoped talking and just looked at me.

I was momentariley stunned at how honest and open she was being with me. I smiled at her and said, "Well you are in luck! My name is Celeste and I am going to help you get him back! What is his name?"

"YOU'RE CELESTE?!?!" She screeched. "I can't belive i just told Cupids Daughter ALL of my love life problems," I cringed at the sound of my nick name, "I bet you think im pathetic!" she sighed.

"NO! i dont think you are pathetic at all! i think you are in love, and i plan to help you." I stated. "So my first plan is to find out who this guy is! What is his name? Actually i need to know your name to!!! O and where i can find him! But dont worry i wont tell him what im doing... i just need to meet him and get some backround information. I want to help you!" i said hoping that she would acept my help.

"Why? I don't understand why you would care so much about some girl that you dont even know's love life? I just dont understand why you came in here in the first place?" she asked starting to cry again.

"Honsetly i wish i could say that it was because i just want to help people, which i do, but it is a bit more selfish than that." i said smiling, " i do it because i like the way it feels to help people. ESPECIALLY the way it feels to help people fall in love, or in some cases just making them realise that they are in love already." I gave her a sad smile, "I'm going to help. I promise." i streched out the word propmise trying to make her understand.

"Fine," She sighed wiping away the last of her tears, "My name is Nessa, and his is Clayton. He has a free period after lunch... He usualy goes to the library and sits in one of the bean bags near the fiction section, but I dont know if  should just walk up to him... It might freak him out."

"Don't worry, I have a plan. I really need to go, but do you need me to get someone first or"

"No. It's fine i need to get to class anyways" she brushed me off. We helped eachother up off the ground and i got a few napkins for her to wipe her face. I made sure that Nessa was well on her way to class before i made went to the library. It was convenient that he had the same off perioud as me, but it was going to be a few days before i could talk to him. I had a few more important things to do that day.

~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~

Hello my lovlies!!!

Thank you sooooooo much for reading and I know im late but the internet at school was down so i had to wait till i got home!!!

Okay so im going to need 5 votes on this chapter before i post chapter 7!!! And here is a TEASER -----> The chapter title is "Star Wars And Walmart Stalking" and it will be much longer than this chapter!!!

Remember to guess Celeste's middle name!!!

Till next time


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