Chapter 5: Operation M.R.F.I.L. is A Go!

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~~~This cover was made by Fare_Bear and I LOVE it!!! Please go follow her and love her because she is amazing!~~~

***Warning*** This is the old version! The new version is going to be saved under Calling Cupid's Daughter (Edited and Rewritten)*** 

Chapter 5:

Operation M.R.F.I.L. is A Go!

~~~~~~Leaving the school~~~~~~

The bell had rung and I was walking out of the door, toward my car, when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Can we talk?" A deep voice said. When I turned around I saw Ryan, and all the amusement from just a few minutes ago was gone. The look on his face was completely serious, and to be honest, it scared the hell out of me.

"Yea what's up?" I said a little worried, but to curious to just leave.

"It's about Chase." He said. I rolled my eyes and started walking away, but he still had my arm in his hand. "I know you think he is harmless, but there are a lot of things you don't know about him. He doesn't give up on what he wants until he gets it... Or, until it has been taken by someone else..."

"I don't understand why you are telling me this. What do you want me to do about it? I can't make him stop, and I don't want things to get awkward between us. He is a friend. A weird friend, but he is a friend none the less. He is your family, you should understand that I don't want to hurt him, and I don't think he will hurt me." I said angrily.

"I just think you should watch your back! Okay. God I'm just trying to help you and you get pissed off, but don't worry I won't bother you anymore!" he sneered. I jerked my arm away and gave him my best death glare.

"GOOD!" I shouted, "I never said I needed your help anyways!" I turned to walk away but turned back to say, "O and by the way, if you want to try and help someone you should probably do it WITHOUT yelling at them. It tends to help." I gave him a sickeningly sweet smile and took off running to my car. I didn't dare turn around again, because I knew that the waterworks would hit the moment I stopped moving. When I got to my car I gave one last guilty glance towards Ryan, but he was already gone. With a slight sigh I got in my car and went home.

~~~~~~Later that night~~~~~~

"I don't know Cameron. I mean I already made it my mission to make him fall in love and all... but he is just so UURGHH! How am I ever going to be able to find a girl that will put up with him?" Cameron and I were sitting on the balcony outside my window. It was after midnight and, as usual, we were having our midnight talks. Now that Chase and his family were living in the house next to us I had gotten into the habit of making sure his balcony door and window were shut before we started talking.

"I think I have an idea about who he will end up with." Cameron said with a laugh.

"What? Who?" I asked her skeptically. Cameron moved her hand over her mouth to cover the giggles.

"I'll give you a hint. She has black hair and is totally crushing on him, but she doesn't know it yet," said Cameron.

"O you mean Grace! No, she definitely knows she is crushing," I laughed, "She came and talked to me during my off period, I told her I would try to learn more about him so I could set them up. Actually, she wasn't the only one that came to me about him today. There were quite a few girls, and even a couple boys, who wanted me to help them make Ryan fall for them, but I think that Grace has the best chance."

"Wow so you really are going to try to make him fall in love?" Cameron asked.

"O no I'm not going to try, I am going to... MAKE RYAN WINTERS FALL IN LOVE!" I shouted the last word then we both fell to the ground laughing. After a few minutes we sobered up and I was going to tell Cameron we should go to bed.

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