Past drama

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Tord looked at Matt and Tom, laughing on the couch with each other, sighing softly. Edd had left to go to visit his mother, leaving Tom, Tord and Matt in the house, all alone. Was it a good idea? No. Did Edd still do it? Yes.

Tord did his best to keep hidden as he went to the kitchen, he didn't wanna interrupt their bonding time with his existence. Tord then went to make a quick sandwich before heading back up to his room.

And of course, not Matt or Tom saw him. He's a small guy in a house of two 'giants' Tord didn't mind not getting noticed, he knew this was gonna happen anyway. Matt's a total dumbass while Tom doesn't care about his whole existence. Edd's the only one who cares.

Tord closed the door behind him and went to the bed, opening his laptop, he put his headset on and then took a bite of his sandwich, starting to play an online game he saw.

A few hours into gaming, Matt burst in the door "TORD!-" He called, once he saw the norwegian on his bed and playing, he let out a small "oh" sound. Matt went over to him and poked his cheek "Tord-"

"What." The boy in red muttered out, taking off his headset, he got off the game and proceeded to close his laptop. Matt hummed "Tom and I are heading out for lunch! Wanna come with?" He smiled softly. Tord looked at him "Sure, or whatever" he mumbled and got up, putting his laptop on his desk "Now get out of my room. I gotta change."

Matt smiled and nodded, getting out of the room with a hum, going back to his own room to change. Tom was already ready, he was on the couch, downstairs, on his phone.

Tord went downstairs after he got ready, sighing to himself. "Wow. Look who finally went downstairs." Tom spoke. Tord glanced at him and stayed quiet, going to the kitchen for a cup of water. Tom rolled his eyes, Tord couldn't see it but Tom had a small smile of relief on his face.

Once Matt went downstairs, he hummed and gathered Tom and Tord. They left the house and went to walk to a McDonald's, they really couldn't decide where to go. Tord just stayed quiet during the whole walk while Tom and Matt talked to each other. Someone has to make the ginger entertained, right?

They soon arrived, Tom and Matt going to order while Tord sat on their table, just letting them order what they wanted, he didn't tell them what he wanted so that's fun, he went on his phone and wasted his time there until Matt and Tom came back. "Oi. Commie, what did you want?" Tom asked. Tord glanced up at him "Nothing" he mumbled "I had a sandwich a while ago" he looked back at his phone.

Matt looked at Tord and frowned a bit "Can you at least eat something? Like- I think you only ate one sandwich" he murmured. Tord sighed and got up, putting his phone in his pocket, he sighed and went to the line, still quiet.

Matt sat down next to Tom and frowned a bit "I wonder what's wrong with Tord.." he sighed, he was worried about his best friend. Tom looked at Matt, chewing on a nugget "Dunno. I don't care" he murmured, glancing at Tord.

"But you should!-" Matt huffed "He's your-" he got cut off. "Matt, he's not my friend. I just known him for years." He muttered. Matt frowned and huffed "I'm checking on him once he gets back here" he narrowed his eyes at Tom "And you should too! Edd and I aren't your only friends! Do you remember in highschool? He used to protect you!" Tom flinched at the reminder, he looked at Matt "Yeah, used  to." He growled quietly "That commie is nothing but a fucking traitor to me. He ended our friendship."

Tord soon got back, he looked at the two "I'm heading home soon after this." He muttered and started to eat what he had. Matt looked at Tom then at Tord, he sighed and pursed his lips "Yeah, okay" he murmured. Tom just rolled his eyes, glaring at Tord.

Tord glanced up at them and tensed up a bit at Tom's cold stare, he then finished and quietly got up "I'll see you guys at home then" he murmured and left. Tom just watched, eyes narrowed at Tord. Matt sighed "Just fix your friendship with him." He huffed at Tom "No. If we're gonna bother fixing it then he should stop being an asshole." He growled quietly, Matt sighed "You're the one being mean to him Tom, for the last few weeks he's been trying to be genuinely nice but you just push him away-"

"Well what do you want me to do about it? Fucking say sorry to him and make friends with him again? Like I would. That dumbass commie doesn't deserve friends." Tom flinched when he got slapped by Matt "Thomas!-" he huffed "Get yourself together! You hate him because of a past mistake and he's clearly doing something about it to make it up to you! But you? You're so caught up in the past and you don't even realize it!" He huffed "When we get home, you're gonna talk to him. Whether you like it or not." Matt narrowed his eyes, this was a first time he's ever hit and shouted at a friend.

Tom looked at Matt, wide eyes, though Matt's hand was soft and didn't hurt him that much- it was enough to knock some sense into the eyeless brit "Fine." He spoke "I'll talk to him." He muttered.

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