Futuristic Mishap?

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Tord huffed and closed the novel book he was reading, placing it down on the coffee table, he borrowed a book from Tom but Tord didn't know that Tom would actually lend him a book, let alone a romance book. He wasn't really that into it though, the main character got very whine-y for some reason, it just got him annoyed. Tord got up and flinched when he heard a crash upstairs, if he heard it right it was in his room. But no one was in there right now.

Tom was in his room, tuning Susan, as usual, humming softly as he had his eyes half-lidded, Tom hummed a small song to himself before he heard a crash, from Tord's room, what happened to that bastard this time? Tom got up and stretched, carefully setting Susan down on his bed, walking out of his room to see Tord rushing up the stairs, just to get to his room.

They were alone in the house for a moment so the didn't know who it was in the room. Tom followed Tord in worry and curiosity, he wanted to know what happened and why was Tord out of his room when it happened. Tord immediately opened the door, he had A LOT of important stuff in there for the army. He didn't notice Tom behind him.

Once the door was opened, the room was next, nothing seemed off, everything was in place, the magazines in their respective shelves, bed neatly made, a table with files and a closed laptop, a trash bin full of paper. Tord furrowed his eyebrows and went over to a picture frame on the wall, taking it off.

Tom followed him, closing the door behind him and looking around the room, lips pursed, he didn't know why he followed, he just wanted to make sure the thing that fell wouldn't hurt Tord. Or himself in anyway. He looked at Tord, eyes widening when he saw the wall that was supposed to be there, gone, there were chemicals and bottles with liquids in them on the table, the shelves were filled with chemicals again, this looked like a laboratory but, smaller. Tom continued to take a look around, not commenting on anything.

Both Tom and Tord flinched when they heard a giggle near Tord's tools. A giggle? A kid? They don't have kids here. Who's kid is this? Both guys started to think such thoughts as they walked closer to the child, playing with Tord's tools.

"Wait!- No! Don't touch those!" Tord yelled and picked up the child immediately, she was about to touch a chemical in a bottle. Tord sighed in relief and held the kid close, he looked at Tom and tensed up "T-Thomas?!-" he yelled again, gripping on the child a bit. "I-It's not W-What it looks like! I promise I don't have a child in a lab!-"  Tord stared at Tom with wide eyes.

Tom looked at Tord and noticed him panicking a bit, he sighed and nodded, "Fine, but you're telling me about this laboratory you have." Tord nodded a response. They looked at the child, woah, no eyes too?

She had caramel hair horns, like Tord, but instead of a mullet, it's a long hair, she had void eyes, like Tom's, she had a tooth gap, like Tord when he was little, she had colorful bandages on her face, fingers and left knee, gee she looks like a handful. She was wearing a blue overall skirt and a yellow shirt underneath, as well as her undergarments, long socks and shoes.

She looked awfully like Tom and Tord. They just stared at each other once they left the lab, Tord closing the once hidden room, now a wall covering the entrance. Both the child and Tom watched. Tom looked at the kid and sighed "Alright kid, what's your name?" He muttered, feeling Tord sit next to them. The child smiled up at him and giggled "Don't you remember me Daddy?" She squeaked out.

Tord frowned a bit and looked away at the word 'Daddy'. Did Tom get a wife and and a kid in the future? Seems like it. Tom flinched and furrowed his eyebrows "W-What?- I don't have a kid yet-" he got cut off. "Of course you don't have a child yet. She's probably from the future. Nice to know you're gonna have a wife and a kid-" Tord got cut off as well.

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