I also heard Tom likes Tord :⁰

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Tord sighed and lazily looked at the notes on the board, looking back at the notes he was currently writing on his own notebook. Tom watched him from afar with a small smile on his face, blushing a bit. Edd noticed and grinned, poking Tom's cheek, "You know, if you like him, you can always tell him~" he cooed.

Tom blushed more and looked at Edd, "Shut up Edd- we hardly talk to each other-" he huffed. Edd hummed "Well, he is walking with us later," Edd mentioned, grinning more. Tom huffed "Shut up, he's probably not gay," Edd hummed softly and poked his cheek again "He's small, has dates boys, likes talking to girls but he doesn't like dating them, you still think he's not gay?"

Tom huffed and rolled his eyes "He probably doesn't like me," Edd hummed and smiled "Hint, Hint, probably" he laughed a bit and stood up when the bell rang.

Tord got up and grabbed his things, walking to his locker with a small hum, Matt caught up with Tord and started talking with him. Tom and Edd caught up with them, Edd leaving Tom with Tord and going to talk with Matt.

Tord kept his headphones on, humming a tune of a song, Tom smiled softly and glanced at him every now and then. Matt looked at Tom "Hey Tom, make sure you hold his hand so he doesn't wander off while listening to music-"

Tom blushed a bit but nodded "Right," Tom looked at Tord and poked his shoulder, Tord looked up at him and perked up a brow, placing one part of his headphones to the side of his ear a bit to listen to Tom. "Do you maybe wanna hold hands?-" Tom grinned a bit, blushing a bit more "S-So uh- you don't wander off as Matt said-" Tom added after he cleared his throat.

Tord blushed a bit and nodded "Sure" he hummed and took put his headphones back on, holding Tom's hand gently after. Tom blushed madly and smiled, internally melting and screaming at Tord's touch, gently caressing Tord's hand as he held it, humming softly.

Tord hummed and yawned, soon putting his phone and headphones away in his bag, now leaning on Tom's shoulder. Tom blushed more and looked at Tord, leaning his head on top of Tord's head as well, Tord let out a quiet purr, gently nuzzling onto Tom's shoulder.

"Alright lovebirds, it's time to let go of each other and head home-" Matt interrupted them before pausing "Let's have a sleepover at my house this weekend!" He smiled. Edd hummed and nodded "Yeah! Let's meet at Matt's house tomorrow!"

Tord hummed and nodded "Sure" he let go of Tom's hand "This is my stop, bye guys" he smiled softly and went in the house, yawning softly.

Edd, Tom, and Matt were now walking, the other two teasing Tom about his cuddle time with Tord. Tom huffed and rolled his eyes "Shut up, you two clearly like each other-"

Matt laughed a bit "We do love each other Tom, we're dating if that's not clear yet-" Tom's eyes widened hearing this "Wait- really?!- Edd you didn't tell me anything about this!" He huffed. Edd just giggled and stuck his tongue out his tongue at Tom.

And so, he boys went to their houses, bidding goodbye to each other before entering their residences.

Morning came, Tom was already waiting for the bus with Edd, Matt just came to them and Tord, he was no where to be seen? He's usually early.

Tom walked in the bus with Edd and Matt, hoping to see the horned boy by the sea of very tired and frowning students, alas, he didn't see the boy he wanted to see. Where is he?

The bus arrived at the school, the students' frowns replaced with a smile as they met up with friends and walked in the building with them. Tom, Edd and Matt were walking to their lockers, talking amongst themselves. Tom just wondering where the boy was.

Everyone was seated in their classrooms, Tom glanced at Tord's seat, empty. The teacher walked in and cleared his throat, starting the attendance, taps of frantic shoes could be heard from the hallway before the door opened, there stood a panting, hair messy, a bit sweaty Tord.

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