Late night snacks

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Tord glanced at his phone, summer break just finished for him, he sighed slightly, he's been feeling drained, being in Norway to study while his friends were in England. It sucked. Tord turned his phone away from him and closed his eyes. His grades were low last year, he was thankful his parents didn't lash out on him about it like they used to.

He slightly rubbed his eyes, seemingly impossible scenes repeating in his mind, he let out a quiet chuckle. "I'm so stupid." He muttered, turning off his phone, he chucked it away from him and sighed, he started to prepare his workspace for his online class tomorrow. "All I have to do is succeed.-" he paused "And maybe..just maybe my dreams would come true.." he mumbled quietly.

Tord started to read his workbooks, hoping on gaining some knowledge, flinching when his phone buzzed again and again. Maybe someone finally checked up on him? Maybe his friends are talking in the groupchat and wondering where he is? Tord smiled at the thought, he didn't wanna think like that, but it just felt so good to know that your friends are checking up on you.

Tord got up and walked to the phone, opening it, he looked at the messages in the groupchat and sat down on his chair, his smile fading into his neutral face. Tord sighed, everyone was just greeting each other and talking about the things that they've done this weekend. Maybe they forgot about him? I mean, who'd actually remember him? A small chuckle got out of Tord, he turned his phone off and put it on the bed, running a hand through his hair. Maybe he should just stay away from the internet for a week or two. I'm sure no one would notice.

Tord looked back at his book and wrote some stuff down, reading through the book as well. He didn't know if he could go through the week without ignoring his friends. Maybe he'll talk with them. Maybe he won't. It's just a matter of time to tell. Suddenly.


Tord perked up and looked at the phone, keeping quiet, watching it.



Tord's eyes widened slightly, he got up and grabbed it, opening it, his friends were mentioning him in the chat, asking it he's alright and stuff. Surprisingly, Tom did too. Tord blushed a bit and hummed slightly, he didn't wanna admit it but he liked Tom. So he just sent.


Tord @commie you good?
You're just leaving us on seen-

Toorrdddddd!!! @commie @commie @commie are you feeling alright?

Why aren't you answering your phone?-

Just a bit stressed- I'm alright-
Don't worry- :3

Hmm suspicious- wanna get on a call and maybe play games to relieve stress?

I agree with Edd- let's play some games!

I shouldn't..- uhm, I should be studying-

Geez commie, you're such a killjoy- c'mon, play with us- it's been months-

Fine- Fine, I'll play-


A few hours of playing, Tord yawned slightly, he had stayed up till three in the morning "Guys, I gotta go.." he mumbled, sleepy.

Matt hummed softly "Alriiggghhttt go to bed-" he spoke and kept playing.

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