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Tom was currently in the kitchen, he was sipping on his Smirnoff as he listened to Edd and Tord bicker over bacon. The usual. But it got to a..certain topic.

"Eeeddddd! You clearly have a lot more bacon-" the horned haired man huffed softly, watching the brunette man in front of him. "I'll give you two" he paused "If you tell me what you really feel about Tom." he grinned. Tord watched before glancing back at Tom, before answering. "He's annoying." He grinned "But we have our moments," he hummed softly "Still don't like him because of highschool, what a jerk-" he rolled his eyes.

Tom only snickered and smacked the back of Tord's head, lightly "Oh shut up commie." He huffed. Tord only laughed and looked at Edd. "My bacon now," he grinned and grabbed two bacon strips and putting it on his own plate, he ate it.

Edd huffed softly "Not fair-" he rolled his eyes and started to eat as well, humming softly to himself. Matt was just peacefully eating cereal on the table, watching himself in the mirror, he looked over at the two when they stopped bickering. "Finally you two finished," He huffed softly. "I need to get to the salon today then get my nails done so I'll see you guys in the afternoon," he grinned and finished up his cereal.

Edd watched and hummed. "Alright Matt," he smiled and finished his food, he perked up when he didn't see Ringo at all today. "Oh right- she must be hiding again-" he sighed and hummed. "Ringooo, come out! I have treats!" He called his cat, a bag of treats in his hands. The feline ran to Edd upon hearing the treats. Edd gave her some treats "I gotta get her to the vet," he looked at Tom and Tord "You two, get groceries," he smiled and gave the two the list of groceries.

Tord perked up, his mouth was currently stuffed in bacon, he looked at the other three. Tom held the list and hummed, he nodded. "Sure," he hummed, he put the Smirnoff bottle down and stretched "Lemme just get changed. You too Tord-" he grinned and went upstairs.

Tord rolled his eyes and huffed, he finished his food and went upstairs to change, Matt was already leaving the house, the keys to his car in his hand and his things in a bag.

Once Edd left, Tom and Tord left as well, they took Tom's car after arguing about it for a bit. Tord was in the passenger seat, he went on his phone with a huff. Still annoyed that he lost the argument. Tom had a triumph grin on his face as he drove the car, purring a bit.

When they got there, Tord got out of the car and hummed softly, stretching, he looked at Tom and stuck his tongue out. Tom looked at Tord and rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "You're so childish," he walked to him and patted his head "Let's just go-"

Tord hummed in response, walking with him into the grocery store, he scanned through the list and grabbed a grocery cart, pushing it around the store and getting the stuff with the help of Tom. They were joking and laughing around, acting like friends. They would argue on what kind of brand to get when Tord gets indecisive.

All in all, the experience for the both of them was good, they'd do it again. When the two got out of the grocery store, Tord put it in the back, so did Tom.

Tom got in the car and hummed "So? Back home or do you wanna get snacks?" He asked with a small grin. Tord got in and hummed. "If we're using your money then sure," he buckled himself in and grinned, he looked at Tom and stuck his tongue out at him.

Tom rolled his eyes and chuckled "Alright, what do you wanna snack on?" He asked, humming. Tord thought for a bit "Hmm, boba?" He smiled.

Tom smiled softly and nodded, he started to drive and hummed softly. Tom soon parked the car. Tord got out with a grin on his face, he grabbed Tom's arm and dragged him in the shop.

Tom chuckled and followed Tord, he got in the line and looked at Tord "What do you want hm?" He smiled. Tord looked at Tom "I want the mango one with extra syrup!" He smiled. Tom nodded and hummed, he bought Tord that and bought himself a chocolate boba.

Tord happily sipped on his drink and looked at Tom, he grinned "Let's go home now!" He hummed softly. Tom smiled softly and sipped on his drink as well "Sure, Sure," he smiled and walked out with Tord.

Once they got there, Tord had already finished his drink, and Tom was halfway done. Tom looked at Tord and hummed softly "Today was fun," he chuckled. Tord perked up a brow "We literally speedran through the whole noon- Edd and Matt still aren't gonna come back home," he hummed.

Tom grinned "Minecraft?" He looked at Tord. A grin snuck on Tord's face "Minecraft- I'm totally gonna beat you to the dragon this time-" he ran upstairs to his room to get his laptop. "No you aren't!-" he put the cup on the table and ran after Tord, he grabbed his own laptop and went back downstairs "Not if I open Minecraft first!"

Tord rolled his eyes and giggled lightly, he sat next to Tom "I'm still gonna get to the end first!" Tord opened up his laptop with a grin.

You can tell that the passing hours, the two played Minecraft and ended up getting distracted and decided to just have a house building competition. Tord ended up winning.

After a bit, the two just fell asleep on each other, both of them leaning against each other, their laptops on their sides.

Finally, the two got along well enough to be friends, who knows, they might even get to be more than friends ;)


Hi! Me again! This is a complete rush of a chapter I wrote before sleeping so I hope it's not a mess! Love you guys!

Word count: 1141 words

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