Like family

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"Hey Olivia!" the dance crew greeted her as she walked into the concert venue. Olivia smiled and waved at them before wandering off to the designated changing rooms. As she walked down the long hallway she bumped into several familiar faces; doja cat, Ariana grande, the weekend, billie eilish, artic monkeys, even Beyoncé. She wasn't too fazed by them since she had gone on tour with most of them multiple times before, she waved hi to everyone and they greeted her back before she walked into her private changing room to change into some rehearsal clothes.

"Alright we're gonna take a full run through then we'll let you go to the costume crew" the stage manager said to Olivia and her dance crew, there was Olivia who was the main dancer and six other backup dancers stood in a circle. "First numbers ari, where is she?" The manager sighed. They all looked around and smiled when they saw Ariana grande running out eating a cake pop, "I'm here!" She shouted in her usual tone. The manager laughed with them all and they ran through the songs, Olivia and the dancers marked through their choreo and were talked through where they could and couldn't stand at the front of the stage. This went on for around 2 hours until all of the show had been rehearsed, the dancers and Olivia all knew what they were doing anyways. "Alright great work guys, good luck for tonight. Dancers you're being waited for in the costume room" the stage manager waved them off. Olivia and the girls walked off and left the backstage crew to prep the lights and everything, they wandered into the seamstress' room to get their costumes. They were beautiful, some of them were corset style mini skirts and shirts and some were more casual dance clothes like a black sparkly bra and dance knickers with fishnet tights.

They headed off to the shower room to freshen up then went to the makeup room where the singers were to get their hair and makeup fixed up, they were all ready for the show now so they just chilled in the lounge room with drake, billie and many other singers. They just had to wait for set call now.

"Alright head out guys good work today" hank shouted into the bullpen. The team all jumped up, "meet you all at mollys in half an hour?" Hailey smiled at them all. They all nodded then left quickly so they could change into normal clothes, jay went home and changed into a casual summer outfit which consisted of black jeans and a white t shirt. He grabbed his keys and left to go meet the team at mollys, they were all going to the "united" concert since it was a big charity even for the kids of Chicago who had no place to call home. They all met each other at mollys and obviously the girls made more effort then the boys, they all got a cab to the concert venue and there were huge crowds of people filing through the doors. When they finally got into security they were patted down and checked over, "detectives?" A tall muscular security guard smiled, the unit all looked around at each other in confusion, "yeah we are, how'd you know?" Kevin smiled at him. The guard laughed, "I've seen yall in the papers, thanks for all you do. How about we upgrade your tickets to front row?" He offered. Kim and hailey laughed at each other, "that's a dream come true thank you" Kim accepted the offer for them. The security guard nodded and handed them all VIP passes, "follow Mike, he'll escort you" he smiled and let them through.

They all looked shocked but were grateful, "special accommodation finally" Adam joked as they were escorted to the front row. They all stood at the front where it wasn't as crammed and they actually space to move, "I could get used to this" hailey said while looking into the stage since she had a clear view of everything. The group laughed and joked for about half an hour until there was a puff of smoke coming from the cannons, the show was starting.

"Alright guys, you know we're all like family. Let's smash it" Ariana gave the pep talk back stage before they all walked under the stage to the trap door lift. They got into position and waited for the lift to move up onto the stage; there was Ariana, Olivia and her dance crew and 7 male dancers too. They all got into place around Ariana and then "positions" started playing on the speakers as they appeared onto the stage. The lights were bright and the crowd was huge, it was hard for them all not to smile but they all kept serious. Ariana started singing and the dancers emerged from behind her, they started dancing like they had rehearsed, Olivia was a huge performer so people were there to see her as well as the singers. When they made it to the front of the stage they were dancing with the males, it was a badass song and it finished on a high note so they were all in a good mood. The next song played and they danced until the last song ended where they then vanished off stage in a puff of smoke ready for the next artist.

"There's your girlfriend" Kevin teased jay as there was a short interval. Jay nudged his arm but smiled at the thought of her, she looked beautiful dancing on the stage, like a badass too.

The next artist was billie eilish and she didn't need the dancers so Olivia and her crew took a break before the next performance. They freshened up and got changed into their next outfits. The show went on and on from artist to artist until it came to the last one, doja cat. Olivia and her crew had their last costume on, the black sparkly bra outfit with heels higher than the Empire State Building. They made their way backstage and met doja cat.

Just like before they walked under the stage and got into position, they had a big remix for the crowd, doja's first song was "put your head on my shoulder x streets", the first part of the song played. *put you're head in my shou...*

The crowd was silent in confusion but then the badass part of dojas song played smoothly and they rose from the stage. The crowd went wild, which included Kim and hailey, Olivia was squatted down in front of doja cat until they got onto the stage then the dancer walked forward like the badass women they were. Doja started singing and the dancers were at the front of the stage, of course Olivia was front and centre. She was right in front of jay and the unit but she hadn't spotted them the entire night until now. The dancers dropped to their knees and they were pretty much at crowd level, that was when Olivia locked eyes with jay, doja was singing "send your location" so Olivia mouthed it to jay and winked at him with a smile before she carried on with the choreo. Her stomach was filled with butterflies and she couldn't help but look at jay for the rest of the show.

"Did thee Olivia Skye just wink at you?" Kevin raised his eyebrows at jay, jay blushed but the flashing lights hid it, "I don't know, I think..." he laughed back. He watched the girl in awe but he also knew she felt the same way about him. The dancers finished and dropped down on the front of the stage, they were laying down with their heads hanging off the front of the stage, Olivia met jays gaze again but he was upside down to her even though she was the one who was upside down. She smiled at him and rolled over before smiling at his friends, she got up and ran off stage with doja and the girls. Her heart grew warm at the sight of the pretty boy.

The team were all brought together at the side of the stage, everyone who had performed tonight walked back on stage as the singers were doing one last performance. The artists linked arms and stood together as one United line to sing a special song, "stand by me" for the kids of Chicago. The dancers were sat at the edge of the stage with their legs dangling off it, it was an acoustic so there was no music, Olivia and the dance crew all wrapped their arms around each other and swayed side to side. Once again she was sat in front of Jay and the team. The crowd sang along and it was a special moment, they ended the night on a high with one last upbeat song. The dancers stayed sat down over the edge of the stage and Olivia took this as her chance to get jay, she tapped the security guard who was stood below her with her foot while being careful not to poke him with her heel.

The security guard looked up and smiled at Olivia, she grabbed out a piece of paper from her bra and handed him it before smiling and pointing to jay. The unit were all watching in confusion but they went along with it as jay looked clueless. The security guard nodded and walked forward a couple of feet, he gave jay the piece of paper then stepped back into place to guard the dancers again. Olivia smiled at jay and the unit, she winked at Kim and hailey before singing along with her dance crew. Jay unraveled the piece of paper and looked at the note written on it. *call me or come over, or both :)* her number and address was written on the other side of the paper. He bit his bottom lip and slipped the piece of paper into his pocket where it was safe then looked up to Olivia and nodded with a smile.

Kevin and Adam smirked, "ooooo..." Adam teased jay which resulted in him getting a punch in the arm. The unit laughed and watched the concert come to an end, Olivia smiled at jay one last time before following the singers off stage. "That's a wrap guys! Well done!" The stage crew cheered from the stage. The singers all wooed and cheered then got pictures with everyone, Olivia did the same.

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