you came

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Jay and the unit followed the crowd out of the building and stood in the parking lot, "so buddy, you gonna go or are you gonna leave her waiting?" Kevin joked to jay. Jay smiled and looked at him, "of course I'm gonna go, I'll see you guys tomorrow..." he smirked and walked away. The unit watched him leave to go get a taxi of his own and they laughed before hopping in a cab to go home themselves. Jay gave the location to the taxi driver and sat back in the chair before smiling to himself.

"See you later liv!" The dance crew waved her out as they were finishing up on getting changed. She waved and walked out of the venue to be escorted into a safe guarded taxi then driven home. She couldn't help but wonder if jay would be waiting for her, or if he didn't feel the same and she made a fool out of herself. The taxi pulled up outside of her apartment and she grabbed her bag before giving him the money her manager gave her and hopping out. She couldn't see jay and her heart broke into a millions pieces, she began walking closer to the complex door when she was startled by a man. She jumped, "shit, fuck" she spat out but covered her mouth when she saw jay stood there. Jay laughed, "didn't mean to scare you" he smiled and walked closer. Olivia straightened and laughed, "you came" she looked surprised. Jay nodded, "why wouldn't I?" He smiled. Olivia laughed but widened her eyes, "how many reasons do you want?" She laughed and asked a rhetorical question. Jay laughed and followed her into the complex.

"Goodnight" Olivia waved to the elderly man at the front desk. He smiled at her, "goodnight honey" he chimed back. Olivia laughed and jay smiled at her kindness before following her into the elevator. "Good show" he smiled as they both stood next to each other watching the numbers on the small screen above the doors go up. Olivia smiled, "thanks" she giggled slightly. They both stepped out and jay followed her to a door at the end of the hallway. She unlocked the door and stepped in letting jay in too. "Mind the mess" she laughed slightly and put her bag on the couch. Jay smiled and leant against the counter, he saw some picture frames on the mini table near the door, "Santorini, are you Greek?" He asked curiously. Olivia turned around and laughed slightly, "born and raised" she smiled. Jay raised his eyebrows, "oh really? I've got a work friend who's Greek" he nodded and thought of hailey.

Olivia smiled and thought for a second, "was she there tonight?" She thought about the blonde woman stood next to the boys. Jay smiled and nodded, "the blonde one?" She added and titled her head, she walked over to the fridge to get two beers. Jay laughed, "how'd you know?" He smiled. Olivia walked over and gave him a beer while looking up and smiling at him, "bright eyes and a pretty smile, I know my people when I see them" she joked and walked over to the couch. She nudged her bag off the side and sat down, jay followed suit. "So jay, what do you do for a living" she put the TV on quietly in the background to take away the silence. Jay smiled and put an arm on the back of her couch, "I'm detective jay halstead, i work for the CPD" he smiled. Olivia raised her eyebrows, "oh so you're a tough guy?" She took a sip from her beer. Jay laughed, "I like to think I am" he joked back.

They both laughed, "how'd you get into performing?" He smiled. Olivia laughed remembering the story, "my mom signed me up for ballet when I was like 7, turns out I wasn't the classical type. I think the first time she realised that was when I skipped ballet class and walked into an adults Latin class and joined in. I moved to chicago on my own when I was 17, got signed up from there and here I am sat next to you" she smiled and giggled. Jay smiled and laughed at her cute little giggle, her eyes were bright blue and her brown hair glistened from the TV reflection. "You know I'm seeing the Greek" he tilted his head. Olivia tilted her head to match his energy, "really?" She smiled. Jay laughed and took a sip from his beer, "that giggle sounds all too familiar, plus your eyes are exactly like haileys. That's my partners name..." he cut off his rambling. Olivia laughed, "you know you're gonna have to introduce to you're friends, especially hailey" she smiled. Jay nodded and finished off his beer.

They had been talking and mingling for around two hours and it was now pretty late, jay looked at his watch and saw the time. "You know I'd love to stay and talk all night but I've got an early shift tomorrow..." he smiled sadly. Olivia nodded then smiled and stood up with him to walk him out, "so will I be seeing you again?" She tilted her head innocently. Jay smiled and looked down at her, he cupped her cheek and leant in for a kiss. Of course she kissed him back then pulled away, "I take that as a yes..." she blushed and looked down. Jay smiled and nodded, "well you have my number so...text me" she smiled as he opened the door. Jay turned to look at her before walking away, "you bet" he winked at her then turned to leave. Olivia leant against the door and smiled as she watched him walk closer to the elevator doors, he gave her one last smile before vanishing into the elevator.

Olivia closed the door and squealed like an excited teenager, she closed her eyes the pushed herself off the door to clean up then get changed and go to bed since she was extremely exhausted. Jay walked out into his car, he received a small smile and chuckle from the man at the front desk so he smiled back then left, his life just became a lot more interesting.

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