run down

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*day before the show*

Olivia walked out of the bathroom and let her hair down, jay was still in bed since she just happened to wake up a little bit before him to get ready for her last rehearsal with the singers today.  He watched her walk towards the mirror with her sports gear on but she looks different now, tired to be exact, "you okay liv?" He sat up in bed and watched her tie her hair back up into a ponytail just neatly this time.  Olivia nodded surely, "yeah I'm good" she smiled through the mirror.  Jay knew what she was going through, he'd witnessed the chaos himself.  Her previous days had consisted of waking up, rehearsing, getting home at god knows what time in the early morning, sleeping, repeat, leaving barely anytime to eat.

                He frowned, "you could go a little easier on yourself you know that right?" He tilted his head.  Olivia smiled and turned around before sitting in the bed, "no can do, not until this is over anyways" she laughed a little, but she sounded exhausted.  Jay scooted towards her and wrapped his arms around her, "you're gonna burn yourself out, and please eat breakfast today" he pulled her close and planted a kiss on her head.  Olivia smiled, she can't wait to just go back to her normal daily routine instead of this madness, "I know...and I will" she looked up and pecked him in the lips.  He smiled, "I'll see you later yeah?" He called out as she walked out of the bedroom to leave the condo.  Olivia laughed a little, "of course you will" she yelled back and laughed fully before leaving the apartment to go to her nearest studio, and like jay ordered, a breakfast bar in hand.

Jay sighed as he heard the door close, no matter how much he had accepted the life attached to her fame, he couldn't bare to see her struggling between work and home life. He groggily rolled out of bed and got changed before driving to work. When he arrived at the district trudy smiled and gave him the usual wave before letting him go save the city for the one millionth time during his career. As he reached the top of the stairs hailey smiled and nodded but he didn't get to chat since hank strolled out and announced a rather important task they had been assigned with.

Hank sighed and put some things onto the board, "there's been a series of gun threats for the concert tomorrow, jay is Olivia performing or not?" He raised his eyebrows.  Jay froze, "yeah, yeah she is. She's got quite a team with her too" he nodded hesitantly, oh no... Hank nodded, "alright, that's fine. We'll make it work, we've been detailed to security duties. States has mentioned it might be mentioned to a gang violence ring" he tapped the board. Jay could feel his heart racing, Olivia didn't need anymore stress piled onto her, this would only burn her out even more.  The team nodded and sighed, they now had to make a plan, split themselves up into teams for tomorrow where they'd follow people around all day.  Jay wandered into the break room to call Olivia but as he expected, she was busy...

Later that day the intelligence unit left work and went home with their assignment sheets for who they were going to be with tomorrow, and got some rest before the long day ahead of them. Jay got home at around 7:30pm and sat down in the couch, he knew Olivia would be home in about half an hour so he got up immediately and ran her a hot bath since she would probably need it. He put some dinner on in the kitchen then settled back down to watch a bit of TV before breaking the news to Olivia, he just hopes she takes it well...

Exhausted was an understatement, Olivia was dying inside, she found herself unable to climb the stairs so she took the elevator instead. Once she got into her floor she flashed some of her neighbours a bright smiled like usual then strolled groggily towards her condo door, hoping jay was home already. She opened the door to see jay sat on the couch, "hey..." she smiled and kicked her trainers off. Jay stood up and walked towards her, "hey, you good?" He pulled her into a caring hug and took her bag from her as he put it onto the counter. Olivia groaned into his chest, "I'm exhausted" she huffed. Jay smiled sadly but planted a kiss on her messy hair, "it'll all be over soon" he rubbed her arm and pulled away so he could see her, despite her rosy cheeks her face was still pale.

He smiled, "the baths already in for you and dinners in the oven" he lifted her chin up. Olivia smiled thankfully at him, "has anyone ever told you that you're the best?" She tilted her head and kissed his hand. Jay laughed a little, "yeah, you, like all the time" he smiled smugly. Olivia shrugged, "because it's true..." she smirked a little then walked away to grab a towel, "I won't be long" she walked towards their room. Jay just smiled and shook his head before going to check on the food, it was possible and more than likely that he would burn it in the end.

Olivia reached the bathroom but began feeling a little bit light headed, she ignored it and hopped in the bath where she had a quick soak and washed her hair before hopping out and throwing some PJ shorts and one of jays hoodies on. It wasn't long before the same light headed feeling she felt before reappeared and flooded her every sense, she knew that if she didn't lay down right that second she would've just passed out so that's what she done. Without even having time to get onto the bed she just sat down on the floor then laid back and put her knees up, she raised her arms and held her hands on her eyes in attempts to flush the feeling away.

Jay was sat on the couch watching TV when he heard a shuffling in the bedroom floor before hearing a slight thud. He furrowed his brows and got up before wandering down the hall towards their room, "liv? You alright darls?" He called out. When he got into the doorway of their room his eyes widened in worry, "woah, liv you good?" He walked towards the woman as she laid down on the floor with her fingers pressed down in the corners of her eyes.  Olivia just put her thumb up at him but kept her eyes closed, "what's wrong? You need a Tylenol?" He hunched over her and held onto his knees.  Olivia stayed silent again but nodded slowly, making sure she didn't irritate the pounding headache she already has, "I'll be right back" he got up and slid out into the kitchen.

                   Olivia mustered up enough energy and pulled herself onto the bed where she just sat on the edge of it and buried her spinning head in her hands, just like jay had said, he reappeared in no time with a Tylenol and a glass of cold water.  He handed her it and sat down next to her, making sure he was fully facing her, Olivia finally looked up and took the tablet and a swig of water before placing the glass down on the nightstand. Jay checked her temperature with the back of his hand, "you're burning up..." he cupped her cheek. Olivia smiled slightly, "I'll be fine, just a little run down that's all" she shook her head. Jay looked at her in worry, her face was pale, her eyes were sad and he just knew she wasn't exactly 'well', "you don't seem too good babes..." he planted a kiss on her forehead.

Olivia smiled, he wasn't wrong, she felt like shit, "I'll be able to relax after tomorrow, then we can plan that trip to Greece" she grabbed his hand. Jay smiled, they'd both been wanting to visit Santorini for a while now, "you sure you're gonna manage everything tomorrow?" He pulled her close. Olivia shrugged, "we'll soon find out" she laughed a little, but the truth is, she knows she won't be able to, not at all. Jay tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, "I'm proud of you" he placed his chin in her head, Olivia smiled to herself, "I love you..." she whispered. Jay smiled against her head, "I love you too" he closed his eyes before the beeping of the oven snapped them both out of their thoughts.

                   Olivia laughed, "you burnt it again?" She smiled as he ran off to go see what the madness was all about.  There was a pause before jay called back, "we're all good! Dinners ready!" He called out happily since he didn't burn the food for once.  Olivia laughed at his childish nature but got up and gathered herself together before wandering out into the kitchen, "smells good" she sat down on the stool next to jays designated seat and smiled.  Jay laughed, "bon apétit" he slid a plate of well cooked food in front of her and grabbed his own before joining her to eat.

                  Jay knew he needed to bring up the topic so he just went for it, "I'll be at the concert tomorrow" he took a bite of sausage.  Olivia looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "yeah?" She tilted her head.  Jay nodded and kept on eating, the food was too good if he did say so himself, "the whole team'll be there. There's been quite a few gun threats made and we just wanna make sure you're all gonna be safe" he smiled, hoping she wouldn't freak out.  Olivia nodded, "again? God, it happens more often than you think. But maybe having you around won't be so bad..." she smirked and nudged his leg under the table.  Jay smiled, "shut up" he laughed and nudged her leg back.  Olivia smiled before they both finished eating, this was the first proper meal she'd had in days and she could say she's missed jays cooking even though he's far from Gordon Ramsay.

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