Fancy joining?

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The next morning Olivia woke up feeling happy, she didn't have any energy to go on a run but she still felt good. She thought she woke up to her alarm buzzing but turns out it was actually a text from her manager, she grabbed her phone and answered it.
Manager: "you've been invited to this years red carpet event in Chicago again, all the big stars are gonna be there. Being a guest if you want, it's tomorrow at 6pm. Don't be late, drive yourself there. I'll text you the address tomorrow"
Olivia: "any specific dress code?"
Manager: "classy yet revealing, you know the fans are gonna want something"
Olivia: "yeah okay, thanks"

She sighed at that last sentence, "you know the fans are gonna want something", some world this is. How could she feel confident in herself when she was being shown off to the public eye, for them to judge and pick at her imperfections? She rolled her eyes at her now dull mood before getting up to look in her wardrobe. Something classy yet revealing, How is that even possible? She scoffed while realising she had nothing to wear. She knew a friend who was a fashion designer and she was only a few miles away, she grabbed her phone and searched up her name in her contacts.
Olivia: "hey Amy! I've been invited to this years red carpet event in Chicago and I've been told to wear something classy yet somewhat revealing, I'm absolutely slumped on ideas. I'm pretty sure my wardrobe is lost for thoughts too, could you maybe suggest one of your dresses, I'd love to buy one"
Amy: "hey liv, that's great news. I'd love to, I've got a few dresses in mind that I think you'd slay, I'll send you some photos over and you can decide on one if you like any. Congrats on your show the other day, I've heard nothing but greatness about it!"
Olivia: "you're an absolute life saver Amy, and thank you so much"
Amy: "no problem, I'll just nip down to the seamstress now and get the rack off her. I'll be in touch soon"
Olivia: "I really appreciate this Amy, thanks"

That brightened her mood up a lot, she loved her friends work. She never failed to amaze. Olivia felt sweaty still from the night before so she got in the shower and washed her hair, she thought about bringing a guest but she didn't really have anyone to fetch, other than jay, but they had only just formally met last night so she didn't think he would want to. She figured it was worth a try asking him but she knew trying to convince an ordinary person to go to a red carpet event would be hard since it could be overwhelming.

Jay was sat at his desk since he had the early shift that he mentioned to Olivia last night, he was the only one there until hailey came walking into the bullpen holding two coffees, "so how'd it go last night?" She smirked and handed him his coffee. Jay sat up straight, "good actually, we got to know each other. She's super down to earth...and Greek" he added onto the end knowing it would interest her more. Hailey jumped, "Greek? Really? That's awesome..." she seemed giddy at the simple fact. Jay laughed, "yeah she noticed you were Greek too" he raised his eyebrows. Hailey looked at him in shock, "the Olivia Skye noticed me?" She waited for a serious answer. Jay nodded, "and she wants to meet team, especially you" he added knowing it would drive his partner crazy. Hailey looked at him in utter disbelief, "you're lying...don't mess with me jay" she grew excited. He smirked, "I'm not messing with you hails, those were her exact words" he smiled at the conversations had had with her. Hailey jumped off the desk and smiled in happiness, she never thought a huge celeb would want to meet her, it'd usually the other way around.

The day was moving slow in the intelligence unit, they had no case and it drove them to boredom, so much so that Adam was creating paper aeroplanes to lob at Kevin. He was sat laughing at their stupid antics when his phone pinged, he looked down and smiled at the name, hailey picked up on his grin. "What's that smile for?" she threw a pen lid at him. Jay smiled, "it's Olivia" he kept his eyes on the phone even though he had to swipe to read the message. Hailey raised any eyebrow at his coolness, if she received a message from Olivia she'd be passed out on the floor. He swiped the notification alone the screen and opened the message.
Olivia: "hey you, I've been invited to this years red carpet even here in Chicago. Im allowed to bring a guest so I was wondering if you'd fancy joining?"
Jay: "I'd love to, text me the details and I'll be there"
Olivia: "you're a life saver"
Jay: "literally"
Olivia: "oh yeah very funny, see you soon"
Jay: "you too"

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