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                  Olivia was shaking, both from fear, tiredness, and the fact that she was about to be taken somewhere with two of her girls, and no one would stop them.  One of the men walked up behind Olivia and grabbed her arm, "you, where's the nearest fire exit" he scoffed, fully knowing there'd be no security outside of it.  Olivia held her breath and stayed silent, the man sighed and tightened his grip on her arm, "okay, okay, it's just around the corner..." she groaned out, she could feel his nails digging in so deep.  The man let go of her and nodded before three of the men walked up behind the girls and placed black cloth bags over their heads and sealed them with sellotape; Olivia was in full on panic mode, she was hit from the concert still and this was making her sweat, it was taking her breath away and she hates confined spaces, this was torture for her.  But they didn't stop there, they tied up their hands with ropes before following out on their little plan.

The men lead the girls out of the changing room and lead them down the small hallway they came in through without getting caught, but only this time they bumped into a tech crew member, "hey, what're you doi..." he started to point to Olivia and the girls but a blow to his head soon shut him up as he fell to the floor like a sack of spuds. Olivia had no clue who that was but from the thud they made on the floor she just assumed it didn't end well, she was snapped out of her thoughts when the fire exit door flew open with a clunking of metal, before the girls were dragged out of the arena building and forced into a van, despite their efforts of fleeing their grasps. The girls could hear the discreet cheering of fans in the distance before it went silent, they were trapped...

Jay looked at hailey and checked his watch, "they should be out by now" he huffed, feeling a little worried. Hailey nodded, "I'm sure they're fine jay, but we can go check if you want?" She smiled weakly. Jay nodded instantly, he needed to know Olivia was okay, just so he could calm his nerves a little. The pair walked right past security and ignored there calls for them to get back, instead, they stormed right down to the changing room but stopped when they saw that the door was already open. The pair clutched their guns a little tighter and after checking that the girls weren't in the room, only their belongings were, hailey stood up, "I'll go check the door" she huffed, jay looked up and nodded before looking at Olivia's things, they were tipped over and upside down as if someone had knocked them from her grip, this wasn't looking promising and his nerves were skyrocketing right now...

                 The whole intelligence unit ran into the changing room, "they're gone" jay looked up and finally spoke.  Hank walked over to assess the situation, "alright, listen up. I want an order put out now, no one leaves or enters this building until we have insight, Atwater, for check any CCTV pods and take burgess with you" he waved some detectives off.  They all nodded as jay stood up, "this could've been avoided if that stupid management just let us stand outside" jay scoffed.  Hank nodded slowly, "we'll find them alright, try not to stress, she'll be okay" he smiled weakly.  Jay huffed but nodded, not really sure what to believe anymore...

His beloved girlfriend on the other hand, was now sat in a basement, separated from the other two girls and still sat with the cover over her head, despite how hard it was getting to breathe in it. She had been alone for about 5 minutes but from the sound of shoes growing louder, she assumed that was coming to an end. A man stopped right in front of her, "Olivia Skye, the one and only" he laughed and crouched down, he harshly removed the duck tape from her neck and let the black cloth fall down to reveal a scared looking face, "well, that was quite a show you put on tonight" he laughed and cupped her cheek. Olivia groaned at his touch, she hated this, but stayed still in case he was armed, "you may be able to dance but you do stand up for some pretty wackass people" he rubbed her cheek.

Olivia had no clue what he was talking about, "the blues, I'm talking about the blues babe. You're boyfriend for example, he's a bad bad man, talking innocent fathers away from their children all the time, you must be so ashamed..." he started but Olivia cut him off, "ashamed? I'm proud as hell of what he does, and they aren't innocent, they're criminals" she scoffed in his face. The man didn't like her tone considering her situation, so he grabbed her neck and pushed her against the wall, "drop the attitude, liv, or I will kill you and trust me, I know how to hide a body, so they will never, find you" he whispered in her ear before squeezing her neck and walking away. Olivia caught her breath back, she thought he was leaving but in reality he was just going for a weapon, "game time" he laughed and walked back over to her.

Olivia scuttled into the back corner as far as she could but obviously had to stop when she hit the wall, none of that mattered though since the man grabbed her ankles and dragged her back over to him, "you wanna know why you're here? And why your friends aren't being hurt?" He laughed and knelt on top of her. Olivia tried to escape but failed miserably since he flicked the knife against her cheek, slicing it slightly, "I take that as a yes. Well, you're all in the public eye and we need a way to get our message out, so if we take you then they'll listen to us, and you're friends aren't being hurt because well, they aren't being as feisty as you are" he laughed and flicked the knife against her chest, slicing that too. She groaned in pain slightly but stopped when she realised her fear was feeding his ego, "too bad I don't care about your message" she spat in his face.

The man laughed at her tries, "you're bold for someone who's stuck under a man with a knife" he shook his head and stabbed the sharp metal right into her thigh. She tried to cry out in pain but his hand which now covered her mouth seemed to stop that ability, "now stop being awkward and just sit quiet like the other two, get up let's go" he pulled the knife out and stood up. He grabbed Olivia's arm and dragged her into the room her girls were in, their faces dropped at the sight, "liv?" Allie raised her eyebrows once the man left the room. Olivia sat up, "I'm okay, I'm fine. They're only keeping us because they wanna get their message out" she huffed, the two girls relaxed a little but their attention was still drawn to Olivia's bleeding out leg, "jay'll find us soon" Olivia snapped them out of it, but she could only hope she was telling the truth...

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