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I heard a loud knock on the door.

Who could it be? Ain't that a little too early?

Good thing I'm already up cooking breakfast, I slept a little early last night.

I made my way to the corridor, towards the front door. I yawned before twisting the doorknob and opening the door.

I jolted when I was greeted by a loud toy trumpet by the one and only Ezra Miller.

"SURPRISE BITCH!" Ezra said to me, holding a whole ass cake with balloons tied to his belt and a bouquet of roses, he looks kinda stupid.

I gave him a confused look.

"Did you forgot?" Ezra noticed my reaction and rolled his eyes. "Bitch... Are you fucking serious right now..."

"Is it already the 20th?" I asked, I checked my phone to see the date.

8:10 am

Tuesday, July 20

Oh shit, it is my birthday.

"Happy birthday Freya." He said with the most genuine smile I have ever seen from him.

"I, uh, thank you Ezzy..." I said shyly, "Come on in, let's eat the cake inside."

I helped Ezra carry the bigass box of cake to the kitchen.

"You know you didn't have to, Ezzy." I chuckled. "You know I don't celebrate my birthday that much."

"It's your 22nd birthday, it has to be special."

"Ain't 18th birthdays are supposed to be special for girls?" I laughed.

"Every birthday should be special." He argued.

When we got to the kitchen Joj is already sitting on the stool at the counter. He gave us a confused look.

"What's going on?" He asked. "Also hi Ezra, long time no see." He said with a smile.

"Ayooo my brother famous now!" He said cheerfully, walking towards Joj to give him a high five, which he returned.

"Ah no," Joj snickered. "Nah dude."

"Even girls at my school simps hard for you my dude." Ezra laughed.

Joj completely ignored his statement and looked at me.

"What's the occasion?" He asked me then looked back to Ezra.

"It's her birthday and she forgot about it." Ezra gave me a glare.

I laughed nervously.

"Sorry, I just don't celebrate it that much," I said to Ezra, returning the glare he gave me.

"Oh," Joj said and laughed, but it came out dry.

"All I know is today is a really, really special day," Ezra said with such ease.

"It's not your birthday you don't get to decide that." I rolled my eyes at him, crossing my arms over my chest. We all laughed afterward.

We put the box of cake on the counter and sat in our seats, with Joj in front of me and Ezra beside me.

"Open it, open it!" Ezra said like an excited child. I opened the box to see a pink cake with strawberry toppings. There was something written on it.



There was also a message on the cover of the box, saying,

Happy birthday to my favorite person ever. I'm really happy I met you.

"I- Thank you Ezra, this is amazing." I smiled at my friend and he's just smiling the whole time at me. Joj is just looking at me, smiling as well. "I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything really, let's just all enjoy the cake!" Ezra said cheerfully, standing up to get some plates and utensils.

"Happy birthday, Frey." George said softly. "I didn't know it was your birthday, sorry."

"It's fine, it's not your fault that you didn't know," I chuckled. "Honestly, I don't celebrate it, never did," I added.

"Why, is there a reason?"

A specific memory came into mind but I immediately shrugged it off.

"Nothing specific," I answered. "Anyways, I'm really happy to spend this day with you and Ezra, there's nothing more I could ask for."

"I'll always be here for you, Frey." He said and I was quite taken aback by the sudden blurt of George.

"I should be the one saying that," I told him and he just giggled.

The man. Giggled.

Why is it so cute?

"You always say it, you always do it, and starting today, I'll give back the favor." He said simply. I was going to ask him something but we got interrupted by Ezra.

"I forgot to buy paper plates, should've just brought some so Freya wouldn't have to wash the dishes."

"Unless you do it," I told him, there was a few seconds of silence.

"I don't like doing it but fine okay, I'll do it, as a birthday gift." Ezra huffed and we all laughed.

"Wait, wait, wait," Joj spoke up and we looked at him. "Ain't you supposed to blow a candle or something?"

"Oh right!" Ezra blurted out and pulled out a short pink candle from his pockets. "I brought one."

"Why is it in your pocket?" I laughed.

"Well, I almost forgot to buy one, then I remembered on the way here so I bought some from the nearby convenience store," Ezra told his story that left us in fits of laughter.

Ezra put the candle and Joj lit it up.

"Make a wish." George told me then looked at the candle.

I pursed my lip, what do I wish for?

What do I want?

I just closed my eyes and told myself.

I wish to receive the love I deserve.

I blew the candle then smiled to myself.

"What'd you wished for?" They both asked simultaneously.

"It's a secret." I stuck my tongue out then laughed, they both pouted. "Okay kids, I'll cut the cake now and give y'all your unhealthy breakfast."

"Uh, you're younger than us," Ezra stated and George agreed.

"In fact, I'm the oldest one around. You don't call me a kid." George added, then laughed.

God, his laugh is oddly comforting to hear.

"Let's pretend I'm the oldest one, I take care of y'all asses anyway."

"Okay facts." They both agreed subsequently.

I guess celebrating birthdays isn't so bad after all.

When you're with the people you truly care about.


I'm calculating chapters, the whole story is done in my mind i just have to write em lmaosksjfjkkjfkjgjkkgjs

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