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"Will you hold my hand?" The person spoke in a robotic voice, I looked up to see who I'm talking to but it's too bright.

Why am I here? Who am I talking to?

I held the person's hand anyway.

I looked around me to see that I am in a hospital, the person's on a hospital bed.

"Don't let go." The person told me.

"I won't." I replied.

I don't know why and I don't even know who I'm talking to, but I felt emotional.

I started to visualize the person's mouth, they're talking, but inaudible.

I tried to make out words from reading the person's mouth.

Violet Freya.

I woke up from my dream, I felt myself slightly gasp for air as if I ran for a bit, what the hell was that? Who am I talking to?

I have a lot of questions.

Oh, right. I'm at the Miller's and I fell asleep. The sunlight from the window greeted me and I squinted my eyes for a bit, adjusting to the light.

I rose up from the couch, there's a blanket over me. Huh? I don't remember having a black blanket with me last night.

In front of me, I witnessed a sleeping George on the small coffee table, using his arms as a pillow. I put over the black blanket on him, making my actions minimum and quiet.

I sat beside him on the coffee table, laying my head on the wooden surface. He's sleeping soundly, soft moans coming out of his slightly agape mouth.

I chuckled at the scenery, he looks like a kid.

This is the second time I get to observe and appreciate his face, the first time this close. I always think about this when I look at him, he just deserves the best.

He deserves to see, feel, and experience the beauty of youth, his illness took that away from him and that truly saddens me, but I want to give him it.

This isn't just a job anymore, he's not just someone that I need to take care of, that 'need' has become a 'want'.

I just want to give him the best because he's him, he's George.

He slowly rose his head up and put his hands on his face. I jolted at his sudden gesture and mimicked his actions.

"Shit, I fell asleep." He mumbled, then looking at me, he suddenly looked away.

I followed his gestures and inclined on the couch just behind us.

"Yeah, good morning." I chuckled, now standing up. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes." He said and looked up at me. "Sorry I fell asleep."

"Not your fault, why are you not in your room anyway?" I asked using a slightly loud voice as I got into the kitchen.

There was a note on the counter and some money from Jane.

Will be home late again tonight, saw George with you on the couch and didn't bother to wake the both of you, here's some money if you need anything, you can also text me if you have more concerns,

see you tonight! xx

Did we sleep together?

"I sat with you while you were watching a movie, but it was late when I noticed you were already dozing off," Joj said in his raspy morning voice when he entered the kitchen just seconds after I read Jane's note. That must be his answer to my question in my mind.

Wow, was I really that exhausted yesterday that I didn't notice anything last night?

I just hummed in response, "You stay in the dining room if you'll wait for your breakfast, I'll just call you when it's done."

"I wanna help."

"Can you cook?" I asked teasingly and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I may have narcolepsy but I'm not a child." He crossed his arms, "You're so mean." He pouted.

He grabbed some hotdogs from the refrigerator and some eggs and put them on the counter. "Let's cook these." He said, looking at the processed food then at me.

"Okay sure, I'll just ready the pan, you remove the hotdogs from the plastics," I instructed, he just nodded.

I went to get the pan and some cooking oil but I'm also thinking how bizarre this situation is, Joj and I are talking normally, he seems to be happy and normal, and trust me, I am happy, but also a bit worried about him.

I got to keep up my guard in case something happens. I don't want to stop him from helping if that makes him happy, I just have to be ready in case of an emergency.

"Here, here." He happily showed me that he's done his task and got the eggs scrambled too.

"You're productive today," I told him with a smile. "I'm happy for you."

"To be honest with you, I'm happy with myself too." He said in a low voice then looked at me grinning, his smile is just so genuine that it's actually heart-melting.

"I'm proud of you," I said, almost came out as a whisper. He suddenly leaned in and to my surprise, he just laid his forehead on my shoulder.

"Thank you Frey." He whispered.

I was left stunned in my position and for some reason, I felt my heart throb louder and faster than its normal rate.

I let my hands run through his hair in comfort, and told him what I'll never get tired of telling him and would always tell him over and over again.

"I got you, Joj. Always."

And I mean it.


I'm soft,,, what the fuck did I just write i'm SOFT

updating til chap 13 cause i feel like it lmao

sanctuary // george joji millerWhere stories live. Discover now