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You know what, it's actually not bad. It's actually easy. A week has passed and there's nothing unusual happening or event in the house, I kind of feel bad for receiving money from this when I'm just doing nothing.

Jane told me to not do anything but I might clean the kitchen later, it's kind of messy... well, maybe not messy, just unorganized.

Waiting on a sacrificial life
Waiting on the ones who didn't fight
I told you not to waste my fucking time
I told you never sing that song you like

You're gonna jump through hoops
Know how many lines you drew
No matter when you lose
Everything I've done for you

I sat on the couch outside of his bedroom, listened to him sing, I mean, man I can do this all day, this dude seriously has talent. I opened my book and started reading again. His voice on the background playing faintly.

I actually have a key to his room, Jane gave it to me, if ever I feel like somethings wrong I have the right to barge in his bedroom to check up on him, I don't think I'll be doing that though, unless I need to do so.

What do you want, babe?
I don't like when you taunt me
You've been calling the wrong line
I say who do you want, babe?

I'm working on my name
I'm hoping you do the same
You got me afraid again
So let me just pray again

The door suddenly opened, revealing a sleepy looking George, his hair is messy, like bed hair messy.

"Hi, you need anything?" I said looking up to him. He looked at me, furrowing his brows. He ignored me and walked past me, making his way to the kitchen.

He's been different after that first encounter. I thought that's his normal self but it turns out that he's just quiet, way too quiet.

Literally just going out of the room if he needs anything, well, I leave food and some other stuff Jane ordered me to do and it's just for him to pick up.

He doesn't really talk to me, sometimes would just ask where is his stuff that he can't find when he's in the kitchen or the living room, but besides that, no actual conversations.

I looked up after noticing he's walking back to his room, with a bag of chips in his hands.

"Feeling at home?" He asked, then I looked at myself realizing I'm wrapped in blankets, with hot cocoa, and a book in my hand.

I was surprised that he asked me something besides things that he might be missing or looking for.

"I guess you can say that." I chuckled, "Want some hot cocoa? There's still some at the kitchen." I offered standing up, about to get him some if ever he says yes.

There was a moment of silence, just him gripping on the doorknob of his room, he bit his lip as if he's nervous and answered me.

"... Okay."

Finally twisting the doorknob open and coming back inside to his room, leaving it slightly open. Does it mean I can enter?

I smiled to myself, so this boy has his soft side too, huh.

I happily went to the kitchen to get some of the leftover hot cocoa I made just a few hours ago to reheat.

My face still has that smile plastered to it, my body slightly jumping in joy because after a week of being here, after that first encounter, we finally spoke again.

Progress, progress.

I poured the hot cocoa on a cup that Jane said he really like, it's a small cup and has a strawberry design on the front.

I mean, I can't blame the dude this really is cute.

I walked back to the living room, to the door of his room. I just stood there, contemplating whether to barge in or to knock, even the door is open.

Instead, I just peeked through the door, for the first time seeing his room. To be honest it looks like boys usual room: messy bed, guitar and some clothes on it, some more clothes on the floor, but one thing is unique. He has equipments one need for producing music, with all of the mic and stuff.

What do you expect, he makes music, Freya.

There's an instrumental playing on his speakers, not that loud but enough for the both of us to hear. He's just lightly bopping his head along to the sound of the music.

I don't know how to catch his attention.

"George?" I spoke up, ruining his trance and concentration listening to the beat and stood up from his chair, walking towards me. I took one step back, fully out of his room again. Well, even though I'm curious I don't have plans of opening it, anyways.

He looked at the cup I'm holding with two hands and he made the same gesture then I handed him the cup.

"Thank you," he mumbled then slowly closed the door.

"You're welcome." I said loud enough for him to hear. I smiled at the closed door in front of me, then went back to my comfortable position on the couch, I grabbed my book and opened it at the last page I was at.

If there's something that makes me happy it's me receiving thanks from the people I help, it's the appreciation you receive from them. And for me that's enough, that's truly what I'm here for.


I want to post everything but HNnnHg

sanctuary // george joji millerWhere stories live. Discover now