twenty three

398 16 4

Freya, I need to see you today


Bitch answer omfg this is URGENT


Bitch what

I opened one eye as I type, my phone vibrating literally woke me up. I looked beside me to see a serene looking George, he shuffled slightly in his sleep, moving to a more comfortable position as he snuggled closely, putting his head on the space between my head and shoulder.

Yo can I come over?

It's 7 am...

This is how urgent this is, cook some pancakes for me too <3

Gosh, alright alright, I'll rise up from my comfortable bed now

Oh wait, actually I'm in George's bed right now.

I chuckled slightly at the thought of us sleeping together, I mean, literally just sleeping together. Nothing else. The other term is too soon, way too soon.

I'm not ready for it yet, and so is he, I guess.

I carefully tried to remove his arms around me so that I won't wake him up, but he noticed immediately my movements and pulled me closer to him.

"Where are you going?" He groggily whispered, his voice in the morning is raspier than of those who usually smokes.

A thought of George smoking came into mind. That's hot. I think he would never smoke though, he never smelled like cigarettes too.

But damn, that's hot.

I shook the thought away and looked back to George.

"I need to cook breakfast, love." I cooed, giving him a kiss on the forehead. Suddenly, he giggled like a child. "What?"

"You just called me love." He hummed. "Feels nice."

"Oh, you don't like when I call you by your name?"

"No, that's not what I mean," he automatically defended. "It's just, being called love makes my heart flutter, like how I feel when I'm this close to you."

I blushed at his words. "Mister it's too early to be that sweet."

He just chortled at my response, then removed his arms wrapped on my torso.

"Alright, alright, you go now." He murmured, "I'll stay here for a little while, I'll catch up with you in a bit."

"I'll just wake you up when it's ready." I beamed at him and he just nodded, grabbing a pillow to hug and closed his eyes once again.

I checked his bedside table to see if he's taking his meds and it seems like he's been consistently taking them. I didn't notice if he took some last night but maybe he did right after I dozed off.

I went to the kitchen and opened the little compartments to look for the pancake mix.

I wonder what's Ezra's sudden news? Must be really important.

Which reminds me, he's going to his second year of college soon. I've earned enough money to study for next year too, so I might just do it. I'm not going to lie, I miss school. I'll be entering another college though but I guess that's fine.

New beginning for me, like how meeting George gave my life a reset too.

I was so lost in my train of thought that my phone vibrating startled me.

I'm right outside, open the gates, Elsa

I laughed at the Elsa in his text. I put my phone down and sprinted to the front door, outside stood a casual looking Ezra wearing only a jersey shirt and some cotton plain shorts.

"Good morning bestie." I grinned right after I opened the gates for him.

"Good-motherfucking-morning, bitch." He greeted back, copying Bretman's accent which made it more hilarious. I laughed at the impersonation.

"So, what's the rush?" I asked him as we simultaneously walked down the hallways of the house, going to the kitchen. "And yeah, I'm just about to cook, but I got the pancake batter ready."

"Alright sure." He responded, sitting on a stool on the counter, I turned on the fire to heat up the pan.

"George is still sleeping, I'll wake him up after I cook." I informed him and he just nodded.

"Okay so first of all, does George have like, family photo albums or something?"

"Jane showed them to me, I think I remember where they are, wait." I told him, "watch the pancakes for me for a while."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I go to the living room to get the photo albums under the compartment near the TV, what is Ezra blabbering about?

"Here." I spoke as I give him couple of family photos of the Millers. "What's up?"

"I'm just trying to make sure something." He replied and I nodded, urging him to continue. "George may be my cousin from his father's side."

"Yo, what?"

"Like, first or second cousin." He said, his eyes plastered on the albums as he look through. "I just wanted to make sure if it's true. If we do have the same great grandfather."

I thought about it and I'm not sure myself because George never really talked about his father or his family to that side, nor with Jane's.

It seems like there's still a lot of things that I don't know about him.

"Yo..." Ezra reacted after a few minutes. "YOOOOO-"

"What?" I almost screamed at him, looking at what he's looking at.

"This is my great grandfather..." He said, pointing on a man on the picture then slowly turning his head to me. "George and I are cousins..."

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